Al-Houthi militia, backed by Iran, bombed Yemeni army positions in Midi in Hajjah province with rockets and continued to mobilize its fighters in the city of Hodeidah on the west coast. It also continued shelling the liberated areas in southern Hodeidah targeting civilians in Tahita and Hays. Launching an initiative that supports peace.

In addition, al-Houthi militia bombed the May 22 hospital in Hodeidah on the west coast of Yemen and nearby neighborhoods, along with the industrial complex in the northeast of Hodeidah. It also arrested 16 fishermen in the city on the pretext of refusing to use their boats in military operations against coalition forces and the army. Fishermen in a landmine explosion planted by militias in the Directorate of Munira.

Despite the continuation of the Houthis in the bombing of liberated areas and the military mobilization on several fronts, the President of the so-called "Revolutionary Committee Houthi" Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, in a statement posted on his Twitter account, he called on his militia leaders to stop the firing of rockets and aircraft on But did not say anything about the Yemeni cities targeted by his militia with various types of ballistic missiles, the last of which was targeting the city of Marib, last Saturday, three missiles intercepted by the defenses of the Arab alliance.

On the impact of the defeats of militias on all fronts, announced the leader «Huthi» in his statement to prepare to freeze and stop the military operations on all fronts to the so-called «just and honorable peace», and the statement of the leadership Houthi with the exposure of the fronts of the militias to painful strikes led to the collapse of most notably in Hodeidah and Sa'ada And the approach of the Joint Resistance Forces and the Yemeni army a lot of resolve the battles on those fronts.

The Yemeni resistance was able to encircle the outskirts of the neighborhood of Rabsa after the coalition fighters bombed the coastal defense camp in the region, leaving behind dead and wounded in the ranks of the militias, and the leader of the Houthi field called Abu Haidar Sharif was killed in raids on the vicinity of Rabsa southwest of the city and was responsible for mobilization and mobilization Fighters in the Khawlan area of ​​Sana'a to be taken to the death camps in Hodeidah and the West Coast.

The confrontations between the Yemeni army, supported by the Arab Coalition for the Support of Legitimacy and the Iranian militias, continued on the northern Yemeni side of Hajjah, where the Yemeni army was able to take over new areas in Haradh and Hiran with the support of the coalition fighters Targeted the reinforcements and military mechanisms of the Houthis in the area of ​​Al-Makhafi, a directorate of the scene led to the destruction of a number of them.

The Iranian militia bombed the positions of the army in Midi and armed with ballistic missiles, fell in different areas and the desert of Midi without causing any damage, and bombed the villages of Hiran liberated Katyusha rockets, which led to the death and injury of a number of civilians.

Field sources in Haradh, Hajjah province, confirmed that the army forces besieged large groups of militias in the city of Harad, after its advance and control of the strategic triangle of Aam, and a number of neighboring villages, noting that the farms breeze between Harad and Medi are under the fire control of the Yemeni army forces , Which also managed to control the farms on the road Aham - Harad.

The army completed the liberation of the villages of Jahniyeh and Husaymiyat, east of the A'hamm hill, and proceeded to the direction of the Directorate of Mstabo. It reached Bani al-Haij area amid a state of collapse and retreat in the ranks of the Iranian militias. It also came very close to the center of Mestbou, And if it is controlled, the troops will come close to the military decision in Hajjah.

In Taiz, the commander of the front of an acceptable Directorate, Col. Hamid al-Khalidi, the killing of two senior leaders of the Iranian militias by the army forces under the mountain of Hop-punishment, while the fronts of Jabal al-Barqa and isolation of the newspaper confrontations and missile shells between the two sides, and troops were able to control the Tuba Hamid in the isolation of Yemen.

Al-Khalidi pointed out that the last battle left dead among the militias, including the commander of the so-called preventive security of the militia in the front of the newspaper, called "Abukhail", with a number of elements, while others were wounded during the fighting, and pushed the militias new reinforcements to the area of ​​Tuir in an attempt to restore Tuba Sada and other sites finally lost.

In the meantime, local sources in the area of ​​Wazan, Directorate of Khadir, southeast of Taiz, that clashes broke out between elements of the Houthi militias backed by Iran, where the use of automatic weapons and resulted in injuries among their elements.

The sources pointed out that the clashes began to slip among the militias against the background of the distribution of quotas of qat on them, and developed into clashes with white weapons «Janabi», and then evolved to the use of automatic weapons, wounding three of their elements.

In Atma in Dhamar province, local sources confirmed the existence of a state of tension between the people of the Directorate and the militias of Houthi coup against the backdrop of the recent imposition of checkpoints at the entrances of the Directorate, which had previously witnessed confrontations and military operations against the Houthis, confirming near the explosion of the military situation in the Directorate.

In the capital, Sanaa, sources revealed a secret meeting held recently gathered the top leaders of militias from the first row to plan and carry out a secret assassination of prominent tribal leader Sadiq Abdullah al-Ahmar, one of the most prominent sheikhs of the tribe of Yemen, the largest tribe of Yemen.

The source pointed out that the meeting was held in Sanaa, and included militia leader Abdul Malik al-Houthi, and a number of other militia leaders, to plan the assassination of Sadeq al-Ahmar, which the militias expect to pose a threat if defeated on the fronts of the ruling in Saada and the West Coast.

The source, who preferred not to be named, that the meeting led to a decision to assassinate the «red» through a person, or put poison, and decided to assemble Muhammed Ali al-Houthi to oversee the formation of a secret cell to implement this plan, and after the secret surveillance of his home and control His movements and contacts and all those close to him.

- The Yemeni army continues to advance towards a pre-emptive administration after the liberation of the "Ayam Triangle" in Hajjah

- Two fishermen died in a landmine explosion planted by militias on the western coast