Sources in the Yemeni capital Sanaa reported that the leadership of the window of the militia Houthi of Iran sold a large amount of chlorine provided assistance from international organizations in the amount of 60 million Yemeni riyals.

The chlorine shipment sold was part of the assistance provided by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to Yemen as part of the cholera and drinking water purification program. A source and eyewitnesses reported that a large quantity of chlorine was loaded onto two large trucks in front of the gate of the Rural Water Authority in Sanaa, which was sold to a trader, local news websites reported. The source said four Huthis employees had agreed with one of the traders to complete the sale and purchase deal, which was made directly from the two cargoes loaded with tonnes of chlorine, which are stored in warehouses belonging to the Rural Water Authority in downtown Sanaa. According to the source, the authorities of the group of Huthis took the subject very discreetly, and after the surveillance cameras of the Rural Water Authority in front of other employees, and began to talk about the deal, the Houthi militias said they had arrested the four accused, amid tight security, All employees of the body leaked any information, so as not to add this scandal and new assurances and evidence on the trade of militias in aid, after the slap received in Sanaa from the World Food Program. In December last year, the World Food Program (WFP) accused Houthi militias of acquiring aid and aid from organizations and the international community.