Romane, the little girl who had written to the presenter Leila Kaddour, during her holidays in Douarnenez (Finistère), received an answer. And an invitation from the journalist ...

Remember: on July 20, 2018, a certain Romane, 9 years old, had written since Douarnenez a letter to the journalist of France Inter and France 2, Leila Kaddour. "I write to tell you that you are pretty and kind, I often watch you on TV, I love your job ", could we read, after the TV presenter has published on social networks.

"Romane is your daughter? ! "

The answer has finally arrived. On Twitter, Romane's mother, who was on vacation in Douarnenez when she wrote this letter, posted a message last Friday on this episode, to which Leila Kaddour replied: "Romane is your daughter? ! " During the exchange that follows, we learn that the reporter sent a package, received last week. "The invitation is to be taken seriously to come on the plateau at 1 pm weekend , " said Leila Kaddour.

When my daughter, on vacation with her grandparents, writes a postcard, it is not to give news to her mother

- Caroline Amiot (@CarolineAmiotVi) October 26, 2018

We received your nice parcel this day, Romane is on a small cloud

- Caroline Amiot (@CarolineAmiotVi) October 26, 2018

An invitation that should not remain a dead letter. In a few months, for her 10 years, Romane will visit Paris. "As soon as the date is chosen, I contact you, warns the mother. Romane dreams of becoming a journalist, it will be a nice surprise for her. "

With pleasure ! For his 10 years I accompany him on Paris in a few months for an evening at the opera. As soon as the date is chosen, I contact you. Romane dreams of becoming a journalist, it will be a nice surprise for her

- Caroline Amiot (@CarolineAmiotVi) October 26, 2018