"And another gift," Dimitrij Smirnov wrote on Twitter. For this purpose, the reporter of the Kremlin-close mass newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda" posted a photo of President Waldimir Putin in an interview with the US broadcaster Fox News. The Russian state television aired the conversation with the favorite channel of US President Donald Trump on Tuesday several times.

Of course, Putin is always the winner in Russian state television, including at the meeting with Trump in Helsinki. That complete interviews and press conferences are repeated by state broadcasters is rather rare.

Putin, the world politician

Foreign media, such as the Finnish daily newspaper "Kauppalehti", see the meeting with Trump above all as a success for Putin. On the title page, the newspaper showed a photo of the heads of state headed by a football result - "Trump 0 - Putin 1". The Washington Post said Trump had "far-reaching success in a clear, unannounced goal: making Russia great again." (Read the press review here.)

While Trump remained vague in his answers, Putin managed to stage himself in the Finnish capital as an experienced and prudent world politician.


A football for Trump

But what is worth the success that Putin has achieved in Helsinki? What will remain of the images of handshaking presidents? The photos of the Russian head of state, who again emphasized his role as host of the World Cup when he presented a football to Trump?

Putin at eye level

The good news for Putin: He is dealing with a US president who gives him respect. Having recently snubbed British Prime Minister Theresa May and Nato officials, Trump called Putin a "good competitor".

For Russian President, this eye level is the basis for any cooperation. In the medium term, its goal should be to break at least the spiral of sanctions that had recently overshadowed the two countries. The punitive measures against Russian oligarchs were too painful, because - as was the case of Oleg Deripaska alone - they hit not only the companies of Kremlin loyal businessmen, but also international corporations affiliated with them.

Putin is also trumped that Trump has not publicly criticized Russia's refusal to clarify two scandals - in the case of poisoned with Novitschok ex-double agent Sergei Skripal and the launch of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

Problem: Trump's ego

But Putin's dilemma lies in Trump's behavior. Time and again, journalists had asked the US president in Helsinki if he believed the Russian head of state. Putin again denied having anything to do with interference in the US election. While Russia's head of state put on his usual poker face, Trump once again went too far.

He made it clear that he believed his Russian colleague more than his own secret services. "Why does not anyone show me the Democratic Party server - the e-mails?" He asked - and afterwards added, "President Putin was strong and convincing in his denial." An American president attaches more importance to the remarks of the Russian head of state, former secret service chief? An extraordinary process.


Putin interviewed by Fox News

In addition, Trump praised his "great" campaign against the Democrat Hillary Clinton - "that's why I'm president". This performance showed once again how Trump is ticking: He does not want to let anyone take away his historic election victory, in his eyes victory was his sole merit.

Putin stroked Trump's exuberant ego in Helsinki. Once he even called the Republican by his first name ("It was a wonderful meeting, Donald!"). Later, in the presence of Russian journalists, Putin praised Trump as "qualified and well-prepared", the Americans listen, let arguments apply, but insist on their own standpoint.

Travel becomes smaller

However, Putin will not benefit from all that much. Trump really wants to start a new dialogue with Russia - but after his emotional appearance that should be harder now.

The US president fueled the domestic debate about his relationship with the Russians. His scope in cooperation with Putin is thereby reduced. For every thrust of Trump, every accommodation should now be viewed even more critically. Especially since Putin has publicly announced for the first time that Trump was his preferred candidate in the US election.

For Putin, the meeting in Helsinki will therefore have long-term consequences. As expected, he returned to Russia without a specific result. The first signs of cooperation with the US were visible in Helsinki, such as nuclear disarmament. Putin and Trump know that an arms race is dangerous and expensive. Talks also took place about the Syrian war, which aimed to guarantee Israel's security, fight terrorism and provide humanitarian aid.

However, how it should proceed in the Russian-American relationship is unclear. At any rate, Trump and Putin did not agree to another meeting in Helsinki.