"The late Sheikh Zayed treated all the people of the UAE as his sons, raised a whole generation like his children, and worked hard to provide all of his children," said Hiyab bin Hazza al-Ketbi, who worked for the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan's special guard. Services, and a decent means of living for all. He succeeded in building a strong and developed state. Now the UAE has harvested what Zayed planted. The UAE's people arrived in space and the UAE passport became the most powerful passport in the world.

Hiyab bin Haazah al-Ketbi:

- Sheikh Zayed was keen on the UAE dialect, and good communication with each person commensurate with the idea and position and level of education.

- Sheikh Zayed took over his own supervision of agriculture and worked with his hands with the workers until the fruit of the land fruit, vegetables and nectar.

- Sheikh Zayed had a good heart and compassionate, and loved everyone and wants to help all humanity without distinction.

- Sheikh Zayed's poetry was filled with the noble meanings and governance that benefit people and establish authentic values ​​and virtues.

Al-Kutbi explained in his interview with Emirates Today that he was only six years old when he met with the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, for the first time, at his palace in Al Ain. His father worked with Sheikh Zayed during his term in office in the eye.

New life

He pointed out that the late Sheikh Zayed treated everyone as his children without discrimination, and his actions reflected his affection and good and take into account the feelings of all around him even the children, if he put food calls for eating and leaves no one, as he was calling children to sit next to him, So we felt that our father, the father of all, had raised a whole society and was taking his hand towards development and was preparing a generation for a new, modern life smoothly after being armed with science and knowledge, as well as his emphasis on adherence to values, customs and traditions.

He added: "Who knew the late Sheikh Zayed closely knows very well that he had a good heart and compassionate, and he loved everyone and wants to help all humanity without distinction according to nationality, religion and color, and indeed was quick to provide humanitarian assistance for all and launches charitable projects in different Around the world, the love of people was in his blood. "

State building

Al-Kutbi discussed Sheikh Zayed's efforts to promote life in various fields, especially education, which the founding father considered the cornerstone of building a strong state. He built schools in the late 1960s. And the provision of free stationery tools, and ordered the provision of transportation to transport students from their homes to schools and return them through the use of citizens who have cars to deliver students, and access to these citizens to pay money for the delivery of students, and As well as encouraging parents to send their children and daughters to study.

He added: «After the turnout was limited, and the number of graduates in the state is very little, our children became engineers, doctors and pilots and we have graduates in all areas, thanks to the great efforts made by Sheikh Zayed at the beginning».

Attention to agriculture

Al-Kutbi said that agriculture was one of the areas that the late Sheikh Zayed paid attention to and gave him great interest since he was governor of the eye. He found that the aflaj used for irrigation was neglected and some were buried in the ground. Some of the water leaked out and much of it went to waste. And digging new wells to supply them with water.

He stressed that the late Sheikh Zayed challenged the experts when they said that the area of ​​Dhafra is not suitable for agriculture to salinate the soil, so he supervised the cultivation himself and worked with his hands with the workers until the fruit of the land fruit and vegetables and nectar, and time again called the experts and organized a tour of the desert and areas that confirmed the lack of After being turned into green farms.

Al-Kutbi touched upon the poems of the late Sheikh Zayed. He explained that he was a true poet and wrote in various kinds of poetry. His poems included the noble meanings and governance that benefit people especially young people.

He pointed out that the Sheikh Zayed Council was a school for everyone who attended it, and it was not, God's mercy, left an opportunity to provide advice or wisdom to attend either directly or through his dealings with those around him, and if he saw wrong or improper behavior of one attendant; Direct criticism to the people, but makes the advice in general, and direct his speech to all the audience in a manner that does not injure the owner, and benefit from it all. Sheikh Zayed was also keen on the UAE dialect, and was able to communicate with each person in proportion to his thought and position and level of education.


The late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan has made great efforts to build a modern and strong state, he said. He also worked to improve people's standard of living through education, health, agriculture and others. He also created strong diplomatic relations With various countries of the world, and now the UAE passport has become the forefront of passports in the world.

Careful heritage

The late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, who was very keen on the UAE heritage and identity, was calling on people to hold on to their heritage. He was interested in organizing events to revive the heritage. When he visited Liwa, Dhafra area or other areas, The other, keen to meet people in the evening, was participating in the traditional martial dance, and awards prizes to participants. "I remember one of these concerts in Zayed City, and Sheikh Zayed gave the winner a valuable gun, and I was able to win it, and so far I keep this gun with me and cherish it because it is a gift from the late Sheikh Zayed."