Mohammed Al-Menshawi, Washington

The US Senate, which has a Republican majority, unanimously voted on a draft resolution condemning Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman by naming his responsibility for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi to launch a new phase in the CIA's relations with the White House and Congress.

The president has the constitutional right to choose the director of the agency, subject to the approval of the Senate, and is entitled to dismiss him at will, without giving any justification. But this did not give the president the authority to adapt this intelligence institution, which is the most powerful in terms of human, technical and financial capabilities to serve its policies.

Agency staff are sworn in to safeguard US interests and abide by the constitution. The agency has traditionally followed the policies of the White House as long as it does not contradict the constitution or the country's agreed interests.

Since President Trump came to power two years ago, relations between the CIA and the White House have not been matched by the expected harmony. Trump placed his close ally, Mike Pompeo, at the head of the machine, before being transferred to the State Department and replaced by Gina Haspel, a professional intelligence lady who did not engage in politics throughout her career.

Muller's probe into Russian intervention in the 2016 elections formed the first source of disagreement between the White House and the CIA.

The contrast between the position of the Central Agency and President Trump on Russia's intervention in the 2016 presidential elections is the same as the beginning of the dissonance between them. The agency provided various evidence confirming Russian communication with senior members of Congress, and leaked to the media many documents and evidence confirming Russia's intervention and even collusion with some Trump assistants.

Then came the crisis of the killing of the Saudi-based Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, to highlight the extent of contradiction and lack of trust between Trump and the CIA.

Since the start of the crisis, Trump opposed the agency's estimates, which ended with the Saudi Crown Prince's responsibility for Khashoggi's killing, causing "extreme anger among senators," senior Senator Bob Korker told CNN.

There has also been mounting pressure on the White House not to hinder Gina Haspell's testimony to Senate and House leaders. After the latter gave closed statements to the two councils, came out and confirmed all those who heard the involvement of Mohammed bin Salman in the assassination of Khashoggi.

At the same time, President Trump, Foreign Secretary Pompeo and Defense James Matisse have denied any link to the killing of Khashoggi by the Saudi crown prince, but they have been left behind by saying that the intelligence services are continuing to search for the truth.

KURKER: Trump's opposition to the CIA's ratings has caused the greatest anger among senators,

Before President Trump announced his November 20 statement about the investigation into Khashoggi's death, where Mohammed bin Salman was not convicted, the agency leaked its confidential report to the US media in a pre-emptive move to Trump's statement and expected position.

The senators' unanimous vote on the crown prince's responsibility for Khashoggi's death came as a blow to the president and restored prestige to the body, which Trump did not stop insulting, recalling his failures before the invasion of Iraq.

Republican control of the Senate and their unanimous vote reflect their conviction of the agency's assessment and their disregard for President Trump's position.

The result of the vote increases Congressional pressure on President Trump to change his position and acknowledge the Saudi Crown Prince's responsibility for Khashoggi's death more than two months ago. As the House of Representatives begins its sessions at the beginning of the new year, with the democratic majority dominating the presidency of all its committees, Trump will be subjected to further pressure and investigations on why this strange and contradictory position has been taken.