To cope with the drop in the number of students, the County Council of the Channel is working on a redesign of the network of colleges.

The outcome seems inevitable. In January, the county council will vote for the future of Cherbourg La Bucaille-Charcot College, born from the merger of two institutions in September 2017. While forecasts predict a further loss of two classes, the community, at the from a series of auditions, will propose to gather students on a single site and to "decommission" the Charcot site.

1500 fewer students

But it is not only the Cherbourg College that is concerned by a reflection. The Department has established ten zones, on which the school supply is being studied. "We are open to experimentation. In 2025, we will lose 1,500 college students. We must face the facts. It's getting complicated, says Christine Lebacheley, chair of the Education Committee. We must be sure that students are welcomed in good conditions.