HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Dubai Foundation for the Future, said Dubai's efforts to create a brighter future for future generations in the future vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, The Council of Ministers and the Ruler of Dubai rely primarily on the creation of young people's potentials and support their development by establishing scientific platforms with advanced capabilities that provide young people with knowledge and enhance their academic capabilities so that they can fulfill their desired role in various development paths.

Crown Prince of Dubai:

- Very rapid development in various fields of science dictates the development of innovative ways to keep pace with and participate in the manufacture of content.

- We trust in the ability of young people to contribute to the creation of a scientific and cognitive renaissance with their talents and creative energies.

He added that the rapid development in various fields of science dictates the development of innovative ways to keep pace with and participate in the production of its content, highlighting the importance of cooperation with leading scientific institutions from around the world to facilitate access to the latest research and monitoring the most important results, especially those related to future science Which will enable us to produce and adopt future business models that support our search for the future and drive our efforts to reach the top positions in the various indicators of global competitiveness.

This was announced during the inauguration of HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Arabic platform of MIT Technology Review, both in electronic and printed form, at the event organized by Dubai Foundation for the Future on this occasion, which announced the opening of the list of young innovators Under the age of 35, to be unveiled at the Emtech Emerging Technology Conference, hosted by Dubai Future Foundation for the first time in Dubai and the region in September 2018 as part of its ongoing efforts to support innovators in science, technology and the future.

"We are confident in the ability of young people to contribute to the creation of a scientific and knowledge renaissance with their creative talents and energies. This is the reality that the UAE has realized from an early stage and has provided the right environment for success," he said. Youth and scientific excellence. We are keen to build and strengthen bridges of communication with international scientific research institutions to encourage young people and motivate them to innovate in the field of advanced science because of their impact on improving the quality of life and achieving the best results in various fields.

IMTEC Emerging Technologies Conference

Dubai Future Foundation (DED) earlier announced that it will host the first Emerging Technology and Technology Conference in the Middle East and North Africa (EmTech) next September in Dubai and the region. Science and the future, and support for creative minds, in order to be on the right track, and support for the whole process of scientific research in Dubai and the UAE.

The initiative aims at honoring the efforts of innovators aged 35 and reviewing their achievements in several areas, including medical technology, computing, communications, entrepreneurship, energy, media and the Internet. The annual list has included many global names, including founders of Spock, Twitter, Templer, Google and others.

Dubai Future launches nominations for young entrepreneurs under 35

The inauguration of this educational platform contributes to supporting the scientific mobility of Arab youth on emerging technologies and ways of employing them in the service of the scientific development goals in the region, which will attract the best young minds and motivate them to engage in the future race that Dubai has begun to realize that investing in people is the most important. And the finest types of investment, and that only creative minds are able to look ahead and prepare with the necessary tools and skills.

Technologies form the future

The Boston Institute of Technology's MIT Technology Review is one of the oldest scientific publications in the world. It will be published in 1899. The Arabic version will be published semi-annually in collaboration between Dubai Future Foundation and Heikal Media, Has launched a number of scientific topics on the website to highlight the latest international innovations and emerging technologies in a modern language in order to spread this kind of knowledge among the different sectors of Arab society, especially young people. The Arabic version, along with the English, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, Spanish and Urdu languages, will be added to the magazine, which since its founding has played a leading role in the scientific field.