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Jean-Michel Lapin (center) served as interim prime minister since March 2019. Valerie Baeriswyl / AFP

It took more than three weeks for Haitian President Jovenel Moïse to confirm Jean-Michel Lapin as Prime Minister, replacing Jean-Henry Céant, sanctioned by a vote of no confidence of the deputies. Jean-Michel Lapin is not a stranger.

With our correspondent in Port-au-Prince, Amélie Baron

The appointment last September of Jean-Michel Lapin to the post of Minister of Culture was widely understood by stakeholders in the sector. It had been more than a decade since he had joined the department and he had become the director general. That it is chosen in March to ensure the interim of the primature had rather rather surprised.

Finally early Tuesday morning, Jovenel Moses confirmed via tweet his choice of Jean-Michel Lapin as the second figure of executive power.

Following the consultations I had with the Presidents of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Republic, I appointed citizen Jean Michel Lapin as new Prime Minister. pic.twitter.com/OLbewvKpzP

President Jovenel Moses (@moisejovenel) April 9, 2019

How many government ministers he was part of, Jean-Michel Lapin, will he maintain? What place will the new Prime Minister offer to the moderate opposition? Radical opponents have already explained that they do not want to join this cabinet, because they continue to demand demand the resignation of Jovenel Moses. In just two years in office, he is preparing to form his third government.