Dubai police have warned of hacking hackers' hackers by fraudulently creating fake accounts for celebrities and officials, communicating with their friends, asking for their phone numbers and sending them a link via WattsUp. Once opened, the victim's accounts are hacked And later use them to defraud others.

Dubai Police Chief General Jamal Al-Jallaf told Emirates Al-Youm that most of these pirates are from outside the country. Despite their difficulty, Dubai Police, in cooperation with the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) and the Dubai Security Center, These scammers close phantom accounts immediately, and adjust everyone involved in it if within the state, and coordinate with relevant authorities in countries that have cooperation agreements with the UAE.

He revealed that Dubai police have blocked more than 500 fictitious accounts, most of them using names of celebrities who have been exploited for fraudulent crimes. It has also detected about 3,000 suspicious accounts during the past year, coordinated to take action with the competent authorities, and monitored 1,700 suspicious accounts during 2017, Suspected in 2016.

In addition, Al-Itamar Al-Youm experienced a penetration of a celebrity with the creation of an imaginary account on its network. The fraudster used most of his photos on the social network to give the account credibility. He then contacted his friends, asked them for their phone numbers and sent them a certain link Via Watts Up, and once opened it breaks into the account.

"I was surprised by a call from friends telling me the reasons for creating a new account and asking for their phone numbers. I assured them that I had one account on Intgram. I did not change it, and I discovered that the hacker who did this prevented me from browsing or reaching the imaginary account, I clicked it through another account of one of my friends and was surprised to use my name with a single character to add to the title, and put a large number of my photos did not add credibility to the fake account ».

He added that "the electronic fraudster tried to cheat on my friends by asking for money from them," following that "the risk in this crime, the fraudster succeeded in penetrating the accounts of Watts Ab, belonging to a number of them, by sending a link to them once opened completely controls Watts Ab» , Pointing out that the piracy process was implemented in a short time to achieve any possible gains before reaching it.

He pointed out that a number of his friends had learned that it was a fraud and was surprised by the fraudster's style. He used it in the UAE dialect. He used French to communicate with one of them. He found himself living in an Arab country in North Africa.

He explained that he had resorted to the Department of Combating Cybercrime at the General Department of Criminal Investigation and Investigation in Dubai Police, which responded immediately and within a few hours, its experts managed to communicate with the management of the Intgram network and asked him to take certain measures to cancel the imaginary account immediately, Dubai police, and stressed the need to resort to them in the event of a person to any technical problem, even if suspected of something, as they deal seriously and quickly with the feedback received.

An activist on social networks said that he received a text message from a friend's phone telling him that he needs urgent financial assistance for being outside the country and unable to communicate with any of his family. He pointed out that he had sent him an account number at an international exchange institution, The Arab state, pointing out that he almost believed in the beginning when the message received through «Watts Ab», because this application has credibility, and depends mainly on the phone number.

He pointed out that he contacted his friend directly and asked him if he was in the country and told him about the details of the conversation with him. His friend assured him that he did not know anything about it. He did not leave the UAE and realized that there was an electronic hacker that broke into Watts AB account A fictional on the network "Ingrid" belongs to another friend to him.

Dubai Police, Brigadier General Jamal Salem Al-Jallaf, said that Dubai Police, in collaboration with the TRA, had taken an early look at suspicious accounts through social networks. In December, Dubai Police launched an extensive campaign under the auspices of Dubai Police. General of the Dubai Police, Major General Abdullah Al Marri, under the slogan «Beware of false accounts» in order to educate the public, pointing out that «Hackers» fraudsters who carry out these crimes deal with the logic of the fisherman, Vmrmon nets and they know that many members of the community will pay attention to their fraudulent means, But he Hunt new users of communication networks, people who do not have enough awareness of these crimes.

He said that Dubai Police received more than 500 complaints against fake accounts that used this type of fraud and blocked all of them during the past year, pointing out that the electronic patrols of Dubai Police spotted a large number of suspicious accounts on the networks of Twitter, Facebook, Intergrated.

He added that fraudsters are posing as important figures in the state. They try to confer some credibility on these accounts by adding many officials to those accounts and publishing official news about the state, so that they gain the trust of the followers. Or for charity projects, with the temptation to refund those donations double, and then take the money.

Al-Jallaf explained that by tracking those involved in the practices, they are outside the country, ranging in age from 30 to 35 years, exploiting the generosity of UAE residents, and the lack of awareness of new users of the networks of these fraudulent methods and draw them in this way.

Bad consequences

Dubai Police Chief Brigadier Jamal Salem Al Jallaf stressed the need to refrain from reporting to Dubai Police through the e-crime link of cybercrime on its website or through other means of communication.

He pointed out that some sometimes neglect to send notes, which leads to bad consequences for him or other list of friends, and the circle surrounding him targeted by "hackers hackers."

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Dubai Police blocked

500 imaginary account,

And monitored 3,000

A suspicious account

During the past year.