The Yemeni Foreign Minister, Khalid al-Yamani, said that the government would not accept the " A United Nations peacekeeping mission in Hodeidah.

In detail, Griffith said in response to a reporter's question that he does not provide guarantees to any party, and that it is not his task, pointing to the need to build confidence between the various parties in order to reach results.

He said in a press conference yesterday that "Sweden's consultations focus on the humanitarian situation in Yemen and the exchange of prisoners," pointing out that various issues have been discussed through many meetings over the past few days.

"We are trying to bridge the gap between the two delegations, so that we can conclude these talks in the next few days." "We discussed in detail the terms of possible agreements between the delegations of the consultations, and we want the current session of consultations to be decisive."

He revealed «negotiations to reduce the escalation in Hodeidah and Taiz», explaining that «the United Nations can help through observers».

"We will publish everything we discussed before leaving Sweden, and I will brief the Security Council." "The ongoing consultations are detailed and difficult, especially around Sanaa airport," he said.

Sources said yesterday that Griffith presented a draft general framework for a comprehensive political solution in Yemen in the framework of the Yemeni consultations held in Sweden.

The draft of the UN envoy is based on the three references and the role of the state in restoring institutions.

Griffith's proposal includes security and military arrangements ending in a political process.

Sources said that the UN proposal confirms the withdrawal of the Huthi militias from all Yemeni regions.

The delegation of the legitimate government and the Houthi militias exchanged the prisoners 'and missing persons' statements before the United Nations earlier in the day.

The United Nations has presented the Hodeidah document, in which it responds to the conditions of Yemeni sovereignty over the withdrawal of armed militias and the restoration of the role of the Coast Guard in the management of the port and Yemeni police in Taiz.

The United Nations made proposals to lift the siege on Taiz, through the withdrawal of armed militias, the opening of the crossings and the reopening of Taiz airport.

The United Nations presented the third version of the negotiating framework document and confirmed its commitment to leading the peace process based on the three benchmarks.

Yemeni Foreign Minister Khalid al-Yamani said yesterday that the coastal city of Hodeidah in western Yemen should be under the control of the internationally recognized government, adding that the government was ready to accept a UN role in overseeing the port but would not accept a peacekeeping mission Of the United Nations in the city. Al Yamani, who is also head of the government delegation in peace talks with the Houthis in Sweden, said: "The government is ready to accept the revenue of the port of Hodeidah in the central bank branch of the city."

A source in the government delegation said that "the positions of the legitimate forces in Hodeidah are in its normal state and the Houthis have to withdraw from the city and the port." He pointed out that «the initiative of the international envoy on Hodeidah does not give the final form of projects in the city». He said that the position of the delegation on Hodeidah confirms "our keenness to manage the port in cooperation with the United Nations and give it a key role." The source also revealed that the Yemeni government «submitted a proposal on Hodeidah, is to take the ministries of interior and transport, such as the management of the port of Hodeidah».

Earlier in the day, a source close to Yemen revealed the close of the agreement of the parties to the Yemeni peace consultations held in Sweden, the airports of Sanaa and Sayoun, as the implementation of the air force to carry out the exchange of prisoners and detainees and those who were forcibly disappeared.

"The legitimate government delegation and the Houthi rebels have come close to reaching an agreement to select the airports of Sana'a and Sayoun (in Hadramout), as the two air controllers to carry out the exchange of prisoners," the source, who is closely acquainted with the ongoing consultations north of Stockholm, said.

The prisoners file witnessed tangible progress in the consultations held since last Thursday, where the Committees of prisoners and detainees, the problems of the Yemeni government and the Houthi militias, held a direct meeting, the first of its kind since the consultations began, to discuss the mechanism of implementation of the prisoner exchange agreement .

On the details of the meeting, a member of the government delegation and prisoners' committee, Askar Zahel, said that he touched on many points, including the four persons included in UN resolution 2216 detained by the Houthis.

The Yemeni leader, speaking about the four, refers to the former Minister of Defense Mahmoud al-Subaihi, the intelligence officer in Aden, the brother of Yemeni President Nasser Mansour Hadi, the politician Mohammad Qahtan, and the commander of Major General 119 Faisal Rajab.

• The United Nations has put forward proposals to lift the siege on Taiz, through the withdrawal of armed militias, the opening of the crossings and the reopening of Taiz airport.