Governor Yuriko Koike in Tokyo proved to be a policy not to send a memorial sentence this year to the memorial ceremony of the Korean people victims of the Great Kanto Earthquake in Tokyo on September 1. The section manager of Tokyo Metropolitan Construction Bureau told the news agency that "the judgment will not change again this year" and will clarify the policy not to send it last year.

The memorial ceremony is open to memorial of the Koreans who were slaughtered by the residents who believed in the hoax saying "Koreans were rioting" in the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, the Japan-North Korea Association and others are open. Mr. Koike held a memorial every year in the ceremony, but Mr. Koike stopped sending it as "we condolence all victims and refrain from memorizing individual sentences" .

Members such as the Japan - North Korea Association visited the Tokyo Metropolitan Government on August 8, asking for sentiments of memorials, handed out 8596 brushes and signatures of 142 organizations. Mr. Yasuhiko Miyagawa, chairman of the Tokyo Metropolitan Association, said at a press conference, "We are going to have a massacre like a massacre to put together the victims of natural disasters and the victims who were deprived of their lives by hands, Appealed. (Naomi Nishimura, Editorial Board · Ryuichi Kitano)