He wrote about this in his article published in "Vedomosti".

According to him, the rejection of this agreement threatens the security of the whole world and may lead to the chaos and unpredictability of world politics.

“The result of the current destructive turn will be something completely different: the destabilization of the global strategic situation, the new arms race, the increasing chaos and unpredictability of world politics. The security of all countries, including the US, will suffer from this, ”Gorbachev said.

In his opinion, the withdrawal from the agreement will lead to a new round of the “rocket race”, which may turn out to be even more dangerous than the “rocket crisis” of the 1980s.

The former head of the USSR added that he welcomed the efforts of the countries of Europe to save the INF Committee and urged members of the US Congress to begin negotiations with Russia on the issue of nuclear weapons.

“The acute internal political situation that has developed in the USA in recent years has actually led to a breakdown of the dialogue between our countries on the entire agenda, including on the problems of nuclear weapons. It is time to overcome the inter-party contradictions and start a serious conversation. I am sure that Russia will be ready for it, ”he concluded.

Earlier, Gorbachev noted that the US intention to withdraw from the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles is the announcement of a new arms race.

On February 12, US Permanent Representative to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison stated that Washington would welcome the conclusion of a new treaty instead of the INF.

Alexander Mikhaylenko, Professor of the Foreign Policy Department of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, commented on the statement of the Permanent Representative to the FBA “Economics Today”.