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Members of the far-right NPD party were filmed in the streets of the Bavarian town of Amberg. ODD ANDERSEN / AFP

An extreme right-wing militia patrols the streets of a small Bavarian town. The news of the past few hours has provoked excitement in Germany. It is undoubtedly exaggerated, but it testifies to the passions regularly caused by aggression by migrants, as was the case in Amberg last weekend.

With our correspondent in Berlin , Pascal Thibaut

The police are skeptical. Amberg's spokesperson talks about four members of the far-right NPD party coming by train from Nuremberg, who made a city tour with red jackets stamped with the logo of their movement before resuming the next train. Not to mention immortalize the scene and post photos on Facebook.

To speak of "patrols" of far-right militias seems undoubtedly exaggerated. But once again, this information shows how immigration and violence are an explosive cocktail in Germany.

Last weekend, four young people from Afghanistan and Iran were drunk in Amberg after assaulting around 10 people in the street. They are accused of assault and battery.

Political statements

As in other similar cases, the work of the police and justice is quickly overtaken by political statements. On the extreme right, we denounce the dangers caused by migration before, very often, to organize demonstrations on the spot.

Interior Minister Horst Seehofer condemned the attacks and announced stricter legal provisions to expel delinquent migrants more quickly. Proposals immediately condemned to the left where we speak of " political exploitation ".