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Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, considered Chancellor Angela Merkel's runner-up, organizes "workshops" on her immigration policy in the CDU. REUTERS / Fabrizio Bensch

In Berlin, two months after succeeding Angela Merkel at the head of the CDU, the new president of the Christian Democrat party Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer combines her training for an internal debate. It must last 48 hours on the agenda: a close examination of the great decision taken in recent years by the German Chancellor on the opening of German borders to hundreds of thousands of refugees in 2015.

The discussions that have been going on since yesterday at CDU headquarters are called " workshop ". But if there is open discussion between party leaders and activists and outside experts, this is not a completely new and different model that should emerge from this workshop. Narrowly elected two months ago against a more conservative opponent, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer wants to highlight his willingness to dialogue on migration that stirred the Christian-Democratic troops.

A delicate debate

Many felt that the state was losing control of its borders and immigration in general. But on the other hand, no question of dismantling the Chancellor who remains very popular in the party as well as outside. Four working groups of practitioners and experts are meeting today and must make proposals on the future. One wonders if after all the debates of the last years new things will come out of this workshop according to our correspondent in Berlin.

The debate is delicate Judge Hans Stark, professor of German civilization at the Sorbonne and researcher at IFRI: " Even if one does not say it like that openly, it is a question of bursting the abscess, because the internal divisions have really deeply affected the whole of this political apparatus which is the Christian Democratic Union and especially, these divisions are at the origin of the reinforcement of the populist party and extreme right, the AFD. So this debate, today, aims to find a balance, because it is both a mea culpa, but this mea culpa should not weaken Chancellor Merkel who is still in power today. "

" A unique measure in a unique context "

The one that the media call AKK by its initials, threw Tuesday a pavement in the pond announcing that his party CDU February 11 make a critical assessment of the migration policy followed in Germany in recent years. She says since the beginning of the year her difference with Angela Merkel with a much more conservative course:

Hans Stark points out that it is also for the CDU to reach a balance in the criticism: " It is not a question of self-flagging, but, at the same time, one has to go far enough in self-criticism. to show the voters of the CDU that the party understood. That this policy led by Angela Merkel in 2015 was a unique step in a unique context. That the party has no intention of redoing this policy if the migratory scale finds the figures of the year 2015, 2016 . "

For our correspondent in Berlin , Pascal Thibaut, on arrival, we are especially in the symbolic. It is necessary to prove at the base that one listens to it, to offer a therapy of group from which it does not necessarily emerge from the concrete, but at least an internal pacification. The CDU wants to hope that the migration and the reception of hundreds of thousands of refugees will not taper on the duration of the party as the social reforms of the former Social Democratic Chancellor Schröder, whose SPD is still debating. It is perhaps no coincidence that Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer yesterday greeted the Social Democrats gathered around her causing general hilarity.