The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar bin Mohammed Gargash, expressed his regret at the outcome of the political discourse in the region, accusing Qatar of funding and adopting a speech that avoids the language of respect, which characterized the dealings in the Arabian Gulf, saying that "magic turned on the magician" Spread the streets of the British capital, to denounce the visit of Tamim bin Hamad, the price of the policies of treachery Qatar, and the Emir of Qatar, during the visit is not announced, most notably the phrase "not welcome in London," in addition to the chants of protests in London against the reception of leaders of the sponsoring state Of terrorism.

Gargash said in a series of tweets on his official Twitter account: "We see signs of anti-Emir of Qatar's visit to Britain. We can only say that magic has turned on the magician, and before that, the media and the phony accounts and e-flies are adopted. The difference is that the suspect chose to support extremism and terrorism. "

"Unfortunately, Qatar has changed the political discourse in the Gulf and its countries to the worst. The methods adopted and financed are now the norm and the norm, away from the respect and consideration that characterized the political process in the Arabian Gulf. Today Doha suffers, and its neighbors have suffered," Gargash said.

Gargash concluded his remarks, saying that «the fate of the discourse of contradictions bottom, how to adopt democracy and you did not get elected orphan? How do you stand at the forefront of national resistance and you are the king of normalization? How do you expect your neighbors to be mistreated, and that their patience persists? The traitor discovered late that the price of his treacherous policy is very high.

The Emir of Qatar, during an undeclared visit to the British capital, the words «not welcome in London», amid the cheers of demonstrations that began yesterday, in protest against his reception.

Hundreds of Britons, Europeans, Arabs and peace activists staged a protest in front of the British Parliament building on Westminster Square in central London, in which Qatari opposition spokesman Khaled Al-Hill participated in protest against the visit of the emir of Qatar, Terrorism and terrorist organizations around the world.

The protesters waved banners rejecting Tamim's visit to London, chanting slogans denouncing the country's blatant interference in the affairs of Arab countries, and supporting Qatar for terrorist groups that have brought devastation to many Arab countries.

"How does the United Kingdom receive a man who paid $ 1 billion to terrorists?" Said one of the signs, referring to Doha's massive ransom scandal of Iranian terrorist groups in Iraq to free members of the ruling family in Qatar who were detained during a fishing trip.

The organizers of the protest, presented to the British security, agreed that the Emir of Qatar is financially, politically and informally supporting Al-Qaeda, Da'ash, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, and other terrorist organizations and individuals.

The organizers explained that Britain was receiving the prince of a police state that violated the fundamental freedoms of its citizens, received free opinion in the prisons, subjected them to brutal torture and various practices that violate human dignity, and did not respect the rights and human rights of migrant workers.

For his part, said Khaled Al-Hill that the vigil organized, aimed to object to the visit of the terrorist Prince Tamim to London.

"The Qatari money will not be able to buy the British," he said in remarks to the Al Ain news portal. "Tamim bin Hamad can not deceive the world," he said.

He said the visit was a miserable attempt to question the regime's accusations of supporting terrorism, especially to refute recently disclosed media reports that proved beyond doubt the funding of the country system for terrorist groups in Iraq.

International human rights organizations also sent a letter to the British government yesterday to urge them to focus on the issue of human rights and stop the violations of Doha and Qatar's financing of global terrorism, in conjunction with Tamim's visit.

The letter was signed by the Arab Organization for Human Rights in Britain, the African Organization for the Culture of Human Rights and the Gulf League for Rights and Freedoms, which was sent to the British Foreign Office to urge them to focus on the issue of human rights in Qatar.

Earlier reports said the Qatari regime, in cooperation with the commander of the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, had paid $ 1 billion to Iran's terrorist groups in Iraq, as well as the displacement of the population of Syrian cities to the Syrian regime and Iranian militias.

Human rights organizations have been sent to British Prime Minister Theresa May to open up the issue of Qatari citizenship being stripped of thousands of Qatari citizens, which is contrary to the most basic human rights.

The Yemeni community participated in the demonstrations to denounce the Qatari policies supporting the Iranian Houthi militias, which destroyed the country.