Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr. Anwar Gargash said that the measures taken by the four countries to prevent Qatari interference are sovereign and political and aim to change the country's destructive trend. He stressed that Doha will return to its rationality and the Gulf region at the right time. Which rejected the dialogue with Saudi Arabia only after ending the boycott resulting from Doha support for terrorism and work to destabilize the region, Bahraini resentment as Manama criticized Doha's dual and contradictory positions.

In an interview with Twitter, Dr Anwar Gargash said that the comments made by Sigmar Gabriel, the former German minister at the Doha forum, that the region in the crisis in Qatar was not far from military intervention, incorrect and contrary to reality, the decision of the four countries was taken On the basis of Qatar's support for extremism and interference in its affairs, I met Gabriel in Berlin and understood the causes of the crisis. "

The former German Foreign Minister claimed, during a speech in the Qatari capital Doha, the day before yesterday, the existence of a military invasion plan for Qatar in 2017, echoing what has been reported by Qatar's media trumpets of rumors in this regard, in conjunction with the boycott of the four countries to fight terrorism.

"The measures taken by the four countries to prevent Qatari interference, both sovereign and political, aimed at changing the country's destructive trend," he said, referring to the decision of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Bahrain to sever ties with Qatar in June last year. Doha Support for Terrorism.

"We are aware that Doha will return to its senses and to its Gulf surroundings in due course, and Gabriel Makani's statement with distinction and right side."

Gargash said in previous Twitter tweets that "the Emir of Qatar at the Doha Forum refuses to interfere in his internal affairs and clings to his country's policies by interfering in the internal affairs of his neighbors and the countries of the region. We will not see a fundamental change that allows the young leadership to manage things realistically. "

"It is clear that the Qatari regime understands that its citizens see their disconnection from the Gulf region as a major existential crisis and an abnormal situation. Hence Doha's desperate attempts to reform the love of rudeness without addressing the real causes of the dispute."

As for Doha's desperate attempts to impose solutions from abroad, Gargash said: "We may not add anything new when we point out that the desperate attempts to reach solutions through Western capitals did not succeed and were not in themselves a convincing policy. However, Doha continues under Turkish and Iranian protection The same hopeless pattern. "

He concluded his remarks by saying: "In the series of mistakes Qatar, which deepened its crisis of malicious targeting against Saudi Arabia, finally, and the role of Riyadh on the turbulent with Turkey and in the Western circles and international organizations, efforts behind closed doors leak news faster than expected Doha.

For his part, Bahraini Foreign Minister Khaled bin Ahmed Al-Khalifa deplored the dualism of Qatar, where she talks about dialogue and then misses her emir from the recent Gulf summit.

He said in his account on Twitter: «Qatar calls for dialogue and does not attend the Prince of Riyadh summit, and calls for mutual respect as it attacks our leaders and our countries around the clock, and calls for non-interference in internal affairs, which interferes and does not stop conspiring, and above that we do not know about any siege They speak. "

"It is not our crisis, it is the crisis of Qatar, there is no need for a mediator solve it, but the need in Qatar to rationalize its people."

The Egyptian foreign minister, Sameh Shukri, also criticized the lack of change in the policy of Qatar until it breaks out in its crisis with the Arab Quartet, stressing the existence of more negative national moves from hosting and hosting the leaders of extremist elements, and continued interference in the internal affairs of the four countries.

Counter-terrorism countries cut off diplomatic ties with Doha in June 2017 as a result of the Doha practices supporting extremist and armed groups in the Middle East and Africa.

The starting point for the four counterterrorism states is that Doha should change its behavior and policies radically, the most important of which is to stop supporting terrorism in the region, where Qatari support takes many forms, including financial and media support.

The four anti-terrorism countries have repeatedly confirmed, through evidence and evidence, the country's involvement in supporting extremist organizations politically, economically and media.

• Bahraini Foreign Minister explained that the current crisis «is not our crisis, but the crisis of Qatar, there is no need for a mediator solve it, but the need in Qatar to rationalize its people».