By RFIPosted 11-11-2018Modified 11-11-2018 at 18:49

In Gabon, the presidency issued a new communiqué on the state of health of the Gabonese president. Ali Bongo was admitted to a hospital in Saudi Arabia, where he participated in the desert Davos summit. The most contradictory rumors circulated since. A new communiqué from the President of the Republic, published this Sunday, November 11, says that his health has improved significantly and continues to perform his duties.

The Gabonese remained two weeks without official information on the state of health of their head of state. The last statement of the power goes back to October 28th. Presidential spokesman Ike Ngouoni claimed that Ali Bongo Ondimba was " severely fatigued " forcing him to rest at King Faisal Hospital in Saudi Arabia, where he was admitted on an emergency basis.

In this Sunday's communique, the presidency remains rather vague about the evil that has bedded the Gabonese president on a bed for three weeks. The presidency today speaks of " persistent discomfort and vertigo ", a consequence of " bleeding justifying medical care in a highly specialized sector ".

Several sources have referred to a stroke.

The presidency stresses that the Gabonese head of state, 59, " is in a recovery phase of the fullness of his physical faculties ". His care protocol has been lightened.

" Ali Bongo Ondimba continues to carry out his duties, " the statement concluded, a way to cut short the current controversy over a possible power vacuum.

The @PresidenceGA spokesman takes stock of the state of health of @PresidentABO ⤵. #Gabon

Gabonese Republic (@PresidenceGA) November 11, 2018

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