According to him, the police saw a suspicious man and stopped him.

“The suspect turned to the police and opened fire. They returned fire and neutralized the attacker, ”he wrote.

Also, Castaner said during a press conference that he had informed the President of France Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Edouard Philip, RIA Novosti reports.

À 21h00, un équipage d'une brigade spécialisée de terrain composée de 3 fonctionnaires de la @ PoliceNat67 ont aperçu un individualis suspect déambulant sur la voie publique au niveau du 74 rue du Lazaret # Strasbourg

- Christophe Castaner (@CCastaner) December 13, 2018

Earlier it was reported that law enforcement officers eliminated the suspect.

On December 11, in the center of Strasbourg, a 29-year-old man opened fire near the Christmas market, as a result of which three people died and more than 10 were injured.