Up to 250 people were gathered in the state forest in Liffré on the night of Saturday to Sunday. This morning, those who parked their cars were each fined 135 €.

A freeparty (rave) took place in the night of Saturday 27 to Sunday, October 28, in the forest of Rennes, in Liffré. Up to 250 people participated.

Parking in forest roads

This morning, the gendarmes raised the number plates of the 51 vehicles parked in the forest roads, where traffic and parking are prohibited. Fines of 4th class of 135 €, will have to be paid by the drivers.

#Liffre Free party in state forest. Traffic is prohibited => 51 verbalizations to 135 euros for owners of vehicles pic.twitter.com/FhJUTpJhjS

- Gendarmerie of Ille-et-Vilaine (@ Gendarmerie_35) 28 October 2018

A motorist was also tested positive for narcotics, this afternoon, around 15 pm, at the exit of the forest.