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Riad Sattouf (our photo) is today one of the stars of the world comics. RFI / Sophie Torlotin

Until March 24, 2019, the Semaine de la langue française and la Francophonie is the regular meeting point for word lovers in France and abroad. Dictations, calligraphy workshops, conferences, shows, jousting games, poetry competitions or exhibitions, all offer opportunities to the general public to celebrate the French language while celebrating its richness and diversity. This year, the godfather is the author and designer Riad Sattouf. He spent his childhood between Libya, Syria and Brittany. He is today one of the stars of the comic strip with notably "Les Cahiers d'Esther". "The Arab of the future", inspired by his own life and whose volume 4 came out in autumn 2018 has sold millions of copies. He explains to the microphone of Pascal Paradou what the French language represents for him.

I feel I belong to the French language ...

Riad Sattouf Comics author and sponsor of the Semaine de la langue française 19/03/2019 - by Pascal Paradou Play

Riad Sattouf is the guest of Pascal Paradou on the show "De vive (s) voix" , broadcasted on Tuesday, March 19 in the afternoon at 13:30 UTC.

The site of the Semaine de la langue française and La Francophonie