Searches took place, Tuesday, October 16, at Jean-Luc Mélenchon, local insubordinate France and the Left Party. They took place in two investigations: one concerns suspicions of fictitious jobs in the European Parliament; the other on the candidate's campaign accounts during the presidential election.

Media leaks were filmed on Tuesday by the police of the Central Office of fight against corruption and financial and tax offenses at Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the headquarters of France insubordinate, the Left Party and at home. former assistants. They are part of two preliminary inquiries opened by the Paris Public Prosecutor's Office: one concerns the employment of LFI European parliamentary assistants; the other deals with the presidential campaign accounts of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Investigation into suspicions of fictitious jobs

The first investigation concerns alleged mock jobs of European parliamentary assistants. It was opened in 2017, following reports by MEP Sophie Montel, who left the FN in September 2017 to join Florian Philippot until this summer. Jean-Luc Mélenchon then spoke of "slanderous denunciation" .

The survey seeks to determine whether the insular European politicians assistants were working for activities related to the European Parliament or for the movement at the national level. That is, if the funds paid by the European Parliament were used for their original purpose.

"None of my assistants have ever exercised any political responsibility either within the Left Party or for the insubordinate France. Never in the whole period of the European Parliament. So I do not know why people are looking for trouble, " said the leader of La France unchallenged, in 2017.

The FN and the Modem have also been searched in connection with the investigation into suspicions of fictitious jobs in the European Parliament.

Survey of Campaign Accounts 2017

The second survey focuses on Jean-Luc Mélenchon's campaign accounts during the 2017 presidential election. It was launched after two reports to the courts: one from the president of the National Commission for Campaign Accounts and Political Financing (CNCCFP ), the other of the French financial intelligence unit Tracfin.

The CNCCFP, which validated at the end of 2017 the accounts of the eleven candidates despite some expenses removed (434 939 € out of 10.7 million reported concerning Jean-Luc Mélenchon), had justified this report sent mid-March by "interrogations" , including on expenses billed by two associations, The People's Era and Mediascop.

The Committee noted that the Era du Peuple, an association with no declared commercial activity, had invoiced to the campaign 440,027 € corresponding to rentals of theaters, computer and audiovisual equipment, and to the intellectual services of four of its employees, including three were also members of the campaign team. She had cut some of the expenses.

Mediascop, headed by Sophia Chikirou, then responsible for the candidate's communication, had invoiced € 54,600, and the commission had subtracted € 35,250 because of "significant differences" between the amounts and "the fee schedule. this company " .

"I guarantee that I have never acted otherwise than honestly and scrupulously in the financial conduct of my campaign," reacted Jean-Luc Mélenchon, in a statement posted on his site, during the announcement of the investigation.

"We have been for months [...] in a process of spontaneous transmission of all documents and parts in our possession," said Tuesday Davy. Jean-Luc Mélenchon rebelled against a "huge political police operation" on Tuesday .

This Wednesday, October 17, the Paris prosecutor announced to have opened an investigation for "threats or acts of intimidation against the judicial authority" and "violence on persons depositaries of public authority" after the skirmishes, the day before, during the searches at the insubordinate headquarters of France (LFI) and Jean-Luc Mélenchon.