German Defense Minister Ursula von der Lien has called for speeding up decisions on the formation of an "army of Europeans" and joint European military missions in crisis situations. French Economy Minister Bruno Lemerre said yesterday that President Donald Trump's " The European Union, constitutes an "additional motive" for the establishment of a joint European Union army, stressing that Europe must assert its "sovereignty".

The German minister called for the creation of an army of Europeans, but stressed in Bamako, capital of Mali, that the responsibility for these decisions should remain with nations and parliaments. "I am convinced that we will have an army of Europeans in the foreseeable future .

At the same time, the federal minister stressed that the troops must be supported by parliamentarians. "But I think we can accelerate action and be better. I can imagine, for example, that we are talking among European countries about a committee that is occupied by a variety of countries in order to produce results faster. "" A committee will then also be responsible for the different countries that make up the European army. "

In Mali, it is possible to see how to form an army of Europeans in the framework of increased cooperation among European countries, adding that work began last year with the establishment of a European defense union.

The German minister appealed to the Sahel African countries to strengthen political and military cooperation, and said: «African challenges need African solutions».

The comments came during the participation of von der Leyne at a regional parliamentary meeting of the Group of Five (G-5) countries - Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso and Chad.

It is noteworthy that Mali receives international and European support for the formation of its own forces in order to support the stability of the region and the fight against terrorism issued by Islamic extremists.

The northern Mali region fell into the hands of extremists and other rebel groups temporarily after a military coup in 2012, and was able to regain control of these areas only after a French military intervention prevented the country sinking into chaos.

Since 2013, the European Union has been training in Mali to train its forces, as well as the G5. Some 600 soldiers from European countries, including 150 from Germany, are currently involved in the mission.

In addition, the German army is serving up to 1,100 troops in the UN Multi-Dimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINOSMA), which aims to stabilize the country, which also began in 2013.

In the same vein, Bruno Lemerre considered that Tramp's violent rhetoric about European defense was an "additional motive" for the establishment of a joint EU army. "When we read this tweet, it is an additional motivation for the establishment of this European army proposed by Emmanuel Macron ».

"The question today is not what we are answering to Trump, but what we Europeans have of will, and what we can do," he said.

The American president, on his arrival last Friday to mark the centenary of the end of the First World War, called it "very offensive" to the statements made by French President Emmanuel Macaron, who advocated the establishment of a European army and considered that Europe "must protect itself against China, United Nations.

However, the French presidency confirmed that the European Army concerned does not target the United States in any way, speaking of "ambiguity" in the translation of his statements. "We have to share better the burden within NATO," Macron said in an interview with Terrap.

Bruno Lemerre said that the EU should be able to "defend itself," especially in the face of the "fundamental threat" posed today by "Islamic terrorism."

"Europe must assert its sovereignty today, it must defend its economic interests and it must affirm its vision of fair and efficient taxes," he stressed, reiterating his will to impose better tariffs on digital giants.

- The French Minister of Economy confirmed that question

Today, "not what we say about Trump, but what we have

We are Europeans of will, and what we are capable of

To do. "