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The limitation to 80km / h on secondary roads continues to make a lot of waves in France. DAMIEN MEYER / AFP

In France, the reduction of the speed on the national roads to 80 km / h continues to make waves. In effect for almost a year, the measure remains unpopular, even though it has saved lives according to the government. Senators want to allow a return to some places at 90 km / h. They therefore introduced into an act an amendment that gives the possibility to departments or prefects to raise the speed, an initiative that embarrasses the majority MPs, defenders of the measure.

To remove the 80 km / h, the right has made one of his fights, so necessarily MP Philippe Gosselin applauds the initiative of his friends senators.

" In a good way, we leave the local level who knows the dangerousness, who knows the state of the roads, their maintenance, what is possible. Finally an opening to a solution that could satisfy everyone , "said the Manche deputy.

Senators tend to trap the majority members. If they delete the amendment, they will have to defend the 80 km / h again, a measure that goes badly in the population. The patron of the deputies of the Republic in march Gilles Le Gendre is not fooled by the maneuver.

Embarrassing the majority

" The Senate is terribly predictably predictable. Here too, the purpose is to try to embarrass the majority and the government. But we said that an evaluation would take place and obviously if the measure is to be arranged or modified, it will be, "assures the leader of the majority in the Assembly.

Emmanuel Macron said - during several major debates favorable - to arrangements, but he gave no calendar. Senators like to tickle where it is sensitive.