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The prosecutor of the Republic of Paris François Molins alongside the Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet, in Batignolles, near Paris, on June 11, 2018. JACQUES DEMARTHON / POOL / AFP

The French Ministry of Justice launched Monday, September 24 a new call for applications to succeed François Molins at the post of public prosecutor of the Republic of Paris. Several experienced candidates for this sensitive post were finally dismissed by the head of state himself.

The succession of François Molins is a matter oh so sensitive. For the prosecutor of Paris occupies a key position at the head of the first prosecutor of France and directs all magistrates of the public prosecutor, responsible for requesting the application of the law and lead the criminal action.

Three judges of great experience have applied, but none has been retained. Never seen in the annals judicial. Some magistrates denounce the interventionism of the executive , even if " the statute of the magistrates of parquet allows currently this intervention of the executive power in the appointment of the prosecutor ", as indicates Virgine Duval, president of Union syndicale of the magistrates ( USM).

" We have the executive power - the President of the Republic - who can intervene statutorily in the appointment of the prosecutor, which poses a very, very big problem in terms of the independence of the judiciary," she continues . Whatever the qualities of the candidate who will then be appointed, there will always be this suspicion : was he chosen by the President of the Republic, and suddenly, is his criminal policy truly independent ? "

The USM, the first magistrates' union, holds its annual congress from September 28 to 30 and will receive on this occasion the custody of the seals Nicole Belloubet. The magistrates seem determined to tell him how much they judge these maneuvers very disturbing.