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Nicolas Hulot, then Minister of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, in December 2017 in Matignon. REUTERS / Charles Platiau / Photo File

After the resignation of the minister of the ecological transition, Nicolas Hulot, a new member of the government should be appointed in France. For now, the spokesman of the government, Benjamin Griveaux, ensures that the direction taken by the state in environmental matters will not be inflected. The next Minister of Ecology will have to assume the decisions already approved, but also to confront some thorny issues.

In terms of arbitrations a little complicated to manage for the future Minister of Ecology, there is the transfer of aid to maintain organic farming to conversion , or the authorization granted to the Total tanker manufacturing biodiesel with palm oil imported from Southeast Asia, in particular, at its La Mède refinery .

to (re) listen : Is the controversy around palm oil justified?

Regarding the problems that will cause problems, Emmanuel Macron will give his opinion in September on the Pharaonic project of the Montagne d'Or in French Guiana . A project that aims to destroy 1,500 ha of forest on the edge of a biological reserve to exploit a gigantic gold mine. A recent survey shows that nearly 70% of the Guyanese population is opposed to the project.

And then there is the nuclear issue. On the one hand, the work of the underground geological storage industrial center (Cigéo) in Bure, in the Meuse, could begin at the end of 2019, when the project meets strong opposition from the inhabitants. On the other hand, in the file of the EPR Flamanville, the start is constantly pushed back. Finally, there is of course the closure of the oldest French power plant in Fessenheim , yet promised for 2018 and which is still not registered.

to (re) read : Nuclear security: the main measures of Barbara Pompili's report

to (re) read : Resignation of Nicolas Hulot, the assessment of a malaise