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Jawad Bendaoud when he arrived at the courthouse on November 21, 2018: relaxed at first instance, he appeared free. JACQUES DEMARTHON / AFP

Jawad Bendaoud, who had hosted two of the jihadists responsible for the attacks of 13 November 2015 in Paris, was sentenced Friday on appeal to four years in prison, after being released in first instance.

Surrounded by six gendarmes in the box of defendants, the defendant remained calm at the announcement of the judgment of the Court of Appeal, shaking his head slightly. Jawad Bendaoud, who has repeatedly claimed his innocence, was acquitted at trial in February 2018. He was facing six years in prison. The court also banned his civil rights for five years. He will also have to compensate for the damages of many civil parties, including victims of the attacks.

Abaaoud's cousin also condemned

This trial was the first in connection with the attacks of 13-November , which killed 130 in Saint-Denis and Paris. Jawad Bendaoud was tried for " concealment of terrorist criminals ", for providing the apartment where Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the alleged mastermind of the attacks, and his accomplice Chakib Akrouh had retreated to Saint-Denis, a suburb of Paris. It was there that they died in the assault of the elite Raid Police on November 18, 2015.

Attorney General Naima Rudloff had requested five years in prison in December for this multiple-sex offender.

Judged by his side for " non-denunciation of terrorist crime ", Youssef Aït Boulahcen, Abdelhamid Abaaoud's cousin, was also sentenced to 4 years in prison with a warrant of committal at the hearing. At first instance, he had been sentenced to four years in prison, including one year suspended. The Attorney General had requested the maximum sentence (5 years in prison, with warrant of committal) against this 26-year-old man, a neat paramedic.

In a separate case, Jawad Bendaoud was sentenced Wednesday on appeal to one year in prison for " death threats " against a victim of the attacks of 13-November.

( With AFP )