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Jean-François Mbaye, LREM deputy from Val-de-Marne, on July 27, 2017 at the French National Assembly. JACQUES DEMARTHON / AFP

" You will die " of a " bullet in the head ". French MP Jean-François Mbaye (LREM, majority) announced on Twitter, Friday, January 4, 2019, that he would file a complaint after receiving an anonymous letter of death threat to his National Assembly office. explicitly racist.

In a letter received at the Bourbon Palace and shared on his Twitter account, he is reproached to the deputy The Republic of the Val-de-Marne Jean-Francois Mbaye , 40, to be a " black of service ", " like those that we box in the ads to make believe that the French are not racist .

In 2019, here is what I still get cowardly anonymous to my office of the Assembly. Am I shocked? Afraid? NO ! I am even more determined to eradicate the racist scourge of our beautiful country France. Of course I will file a complaint ... #StopRacism (Violent Words) pic.twitter.com/3uEXG5aZuZ

Jean François MBAYE (@JFMBAYE) January 4, 2019

" What right an African comes to meddle with the problems of France, " asks the anonymous author to the elected, born in Dakar. And to promise him " a bullet in the head ". Before concluding: " Other targets: Avia, Berville ", named after two other macronists, Laetitia Avia and Hervé Berville, elected deputies in June 2017 .

" In 2019, here is what I still get cowardly anonymous at my office in the Assembly. Am I shocked? Afraid? NO ! I am even more determined to eradicate the racist scourge of our beautiful country France. Of course I will make a complaint ... ", explains MP LREM in his tweet dated January 4th.

I do not have a word hard enough or strong enough to describe this abject letter @JFMBAYE.
But there is one to fight it: the Republic! https://t.co/HZMLAALpaE

Agnès Buzyn (@agnesbuzyn) January 4, 2019

François de Rugy , former Speaker of the National Assembly and current Minister for Ecological Transition, expressed on Twitter his " support " to the three MPs targeted. " We will not let hate break loose in our country. Freedom Equality Fraternity are more than ever our values! He defends.

The Minister of Health has expressed her indignation. Like the association SOS Racisme, by release : " In France, in 2019, some still can not digest that black - in their eyes eternally negroes irreparably wild and backward - can be representatives of the Nation. "

Since the beginning of the movement of "yellow vests", several deputies of the majority have been targeted in France. On Friday, the LREM deputy of Vienne Sacha Houlié announced that he had lodged a complaint after damage to his permanence in Poitiers.

Member of Parliament On the Move from Paris Olivia Grégoire also said Friday on Twitter that his permanence had " been the subject of damage ", and that a complaint was " in progress ". Several offices of elected officials of the majority have experienced the same fate since November.

Permanently attacked constituency, but also threats on social networks or around homes. The former minister Richard Ferrand, president of the National Assembly, believes that these " intimidation maneuvers have no place in democracy ".

December 31, it is the elected Gironde Florent Boudié who announced a complaint, after the discovery on the walls of its permanence in Libourne tags it attributes to the " identity movement, anti-Muslim and anti-migrant ". He also reported hateful emails.

This deputy, a member of the Law Commission, is working on a project " to give the Islam of France a framework and rules ", as well as " to provide a humane and dignified response to the question of the detention of foreign children. irregular situation ".