Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Ahmed al-Misri issued a decision to form a commission of inquiry into the armed clashes in the Directorate of "Lower Marche" in the province of Shabwa in south-east Yemen, which erupted between the people and the forces of the so-called elite backed by the United Arab Emirates.

The decision to form a committee under the presidential directive of the cease-fire between the sons of Al-Mihdhar and the Shaban elite forces, in addition to report the incident and gather information from all parties.

On Friday, the lower district of Marrakha witnessed bloody clashes between the Shaban elite forces and the al-Muhaddar al-Sadiq, in which 15 people were killed and more than 20 injured on both sides.

The clashes broke out at dawn on Friday with the participation of aviation belonging to the UAE forces, against the background of the rejection of the residents of the "Markha" attempt by the Shaban elite forces - backed by the United Arab Emirates - raided the home of one of the elders on charges of belonging to Al Qaeda, killing nine people and six elite forces among them Commander of the joint forces of the Shaban elite, acting leader of the axis of "Belhaf" Lieutenant Jalal Saleh bin Ajaj.