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Hugo Carvajal (here on the left with Nicolas Maduro in July 2014) was close to the current Venezuelan president, before joining his main opponent Juan Guaido. PRESIDENCIA / AFP

Hugo Carvajal, former director of intelligence services of Hugo Chavez, was arrested this Friday, April 12 in Spain at the request of the United States who accuse him of collaborating with drug trafficking.

Hugo Carvajal was known in Venezuela under the nickname "El Pollo", "the chicken". He was director of counterintelligence during the presidency of Hugo Chavez, before leading the national office against organized crime and the financing of terrorism.

But in 2008, the American Treasury suspects Carvajal of support for cocaine trafficking in connection with the guerrillas of Farcs in Colombia. His name is on the Clinton List of the most wanted people for drug trafficking. In 2014, he was sent as a consul to the small island of Aruba in the Dutch Caribbean, where he was arrested at the request of the United States.

Saved from extradition five years ago thanks to the pressure of the Venezuelan regime, the one who was presented as one of the key men of the regimes of Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicolas Maduro has however turned away from his former allies .

►Also read: Venezuela: Hugo Carvajal "El Pollo" defected to the regime

Last February, in a video posted on social networks, Hugo Carvajal denounced the " disastrous reality " that live Venezuelans and called the military to rank on the right side of history by supporting Juan Guiado, self-proclaimed interim president. He then became the highest-ranking army to display this support to the main opponent of the Maduro regime.

A few days ago, Hugo Carvajal said he had information about the links between the regime and drug trafficking. Information that he thinks should be in the hands of bodies that can examine it.