“I think that the decision of the United States to withdraw from the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles will create a problem for Europe. This treaty was just intended to ensure its security, so I believe that the US intention to make a unilateral withdrawal from it is a blow to European security, ”the expert believes.

According to him, the American President Donald Trump is “very unhappy with the fact that the countries in NATO do not contribute the necessary funds to support the alliance, which" essentially ensures their security since the Second World War.

“In parallel, we also observe how some European states - in particular, Germany and France - are promoting the idea of ​​creating an EU army and distancing from the alliance. That is, very difficult times have now come for international diplomacy and international agreements, ”summed up Mashon.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia will respond to the US withdrawal from the INF mode quickly and efficiently.

October 20, Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of the United States from the treaty.