The ceremonial transfer of epaulettes and personal belongings of Philipov to the museum will be held on August 10.

"The military uniform and insignia handed over by the pilot's relatives will be the first exhibits of the new exposition of the museum" Relics of Victory ", which will be devoted to the heroes-defenders of the Fatherland," TASS reports.

The ceremony will be attended by the relatives of Roman Filipov, the museum's management, the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Air Force, Major General Andrei Kazakevich, as well as representatives of the Russian Defense Ministry.

Earlier, the court in Moscow in absentia arrested three Syrian citizens who shot down the plane of Major Filipov.

On February 3 it became known that in Syria in the territory controlled by the militants shot down the Russian Su-25 attack aircraft. Pilot Roman Filipov catapulted, but died in the course of an unequal battle with the militants. He was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.