The Expo 2020 Dubai has employed five highly motivated citizens in various jobs through a comprehensive program to encourage stakeholders in the UAE to take advantage of the job opportunities and training available to them at this international event, which was recently launched in cooperation with the Ministry of Community Development, Government agencies at the state level, as is the case for all citizens working in the event after its completion.

"We have embarked on a program to integrate and recruit stakeholders, from the Expo 2020 logo (to connect the minds and make the future)," said Fatima Al-Logani, Head of Emiratisation and Expo Academy, Human Resources and Volunteers, Expo 2020 Dubai. Which combines all segments of society in one work », adding:« eyes of two of the owners of the inspiration during the trial period of the program, one of them with hearing impairment and the second with cerebral palsy, and the story of their success is very impressive ».

"One of these two persons in the human resources of Expo 2020 Dubai, Salim Bawazir, qualified and trained to work on the program of integration and recruitment of stakeholders, so he can train and employ qualified stakeholders, and during his appointment three months ago was able to appoint Three people of concern, and proved his worth and efficiency, although he is sitting in a wheelchair, is preparing and communicating and decisions with the Ministry of Community Development on behalf of (Expo 2020 Dubai) », pointing out that he underwent the experience during four weeks proved to be highly efficient, Has been employed in less than three months and is a training period.

The second person is Ali Al Baloushi, who has been employed in the events and is still in the training period. Upon completion, it will be installed, noting that Expo 2020 Dubai is working with the Ministry of Community Development on a program to integrate stakeholders and encourage them to seize employment, The aim of the program is to provide training, employment and volunteering opportunities equally among all, while allowing those who are inspired to have the skills and practical experience to be part of the Expo team.

She added that the field is open to each of the owners of the self-esteem and wants to participate in the process of making the Expo Dubai 2020, without specifying any specific numbers of recruitment from this category, noting that the trainees of this category are paid during the training period.

"The ministry works with the public and private sectors to consolidate social responsibility rooted in UAE cultural values ​​and thus achieve prosperity and social development," said Wafa Hamad bin Sulaiman, Director of the Department of Welfare and Rehabilitation of Owners of the Ministry of Community Development. Given the diverse nature of Expo 2020 Dubai, we believe that the integration of stakeholders will not only contribute to the enhancement of this diversity, but will also ensure the utilization of non-invested potential that can add significant professional and social value. " The Ministry's efforts to provide employment opportunities to stakeholders in the various federal, local and private government sectors are part of the national policy to empower stakeholders, which includes vocational rehabilitation and employment, which aims to provide suitable job opportunities for those with disabilities commensurate with their abilities and levels of disability.

Bawazir: «Expo 2020 Dubai» Curve confidence

"I always ask people to look at my abilities rather than my handicaps, and I feel that Expo 2020 has given me the confidence to be able to perform tasks that demonstrate my potential and allow me to do," said Salem Bawazir, Human Resources Manager at Expo 2020 Dubai. Effective and useful ».

"I really enjoy my work because it allows me to make real and effective decisions. I am here to serve my country, and I am proud of the contribution I have made so far, and I look forward to participating in welcoming the world in the UAE in 2020. " Salem's role in the merger program revolves around providing job opportunities for stakeholders, coordinating matters related to facilitating their movement in offices, and continuing to build a culture of integration in Expo 2020 Dubai. As of December 2018, Salem has recruited three of the most influential people in the Expo 2020 Dubai team.