Keizo Furuya, the Liberal Democratic Party's Keiji Furuya, the House of Representatives steering committee chairperson's office was under suspicion of declaring income from political funds parties, and the holding of the House of Representatives General Meeting on May 17 was suspended. Mr. Furuya denied an underdelivery, but because he did not issue an explanation document that he would submit to the Diet during the same day. The ruling party decided to vote on the amendment to the Public Offices Election Law, which will increase the upper house constants by 6 at the plenary session of this day, and it was a policy to establish it.

The Asahi Shimbun reported on suspicion of underdelivery in the morning paper on 17th. Mr. Furuya said to reporters in the National Assembly the same day, "I confirmed the political fund report and the situation of deposit, there is hardly any difference, so I am aware that there are no undeclared declarations" .

As opposition parties are Mr. Furuya who is responsible for the administration of the National Assembly, I request sufficient explanation. He refused to hold the executive committee scheduled for morning to open House of Representatives plenary session.

Then, at the executive committee held with the ruling party and the Japan Restoration Association attended, Mr. Furuya decided to hold the House of Representatives plenary on 18th to vote on revising the election law etc. Following the executive committee, Mr. Furuya said to reporters, "Lawyers are checking in detail, the document does not make it in time today," and expressed his view on the 18th board of directors.

The opposition partered against the fact that it decided to hold a plenary sessions on 18th, with no document being submitted. Constitutional Democratic Party's Kiyomi Tsujimoto parliamentary committee chairperson said, "The committee chairman is the necessity of the legislature and it will not move unless explaining in convincing documents." Based on the written report, the opposition party will consider submitting a resolution to dismiss Mr. Furuya's chairperson chairman.