The study also states that the poll was held Sunday, a list of "yellow vests" would collect 3%.

The list of The Republic in March allied to the MoDem still ranks first in the voting intentions in the European elections, before that of the National Gathering, which falls slightly, according to a survey * released Sunday.

In this study Harris Interactive and Epoka Agency for TF1, LCI, RTL and Le Figaro , the majority list points to 23% (=) and is ahead of the list RN, which loses between 1.5 and 0.5 points (at 20 % in the presence of a list "yellow vests", 21% without list "yellow vests"). This balance of power is generally stable compared to a previous wave of the same institute's investigation on March 24, before European Affairs Minister Nathalie Loiseau was inducted into the LREM list.

LR still in 3rd position. The Republicans are still in third place with 12% (-1 point) of voting intentions in case of list "yellow vests", ahead of insubordinate France (8.5% / + 0.5), ecologists EELV (8% / + 1) and the list led by Raphael Glucksmann with the support of the Socialist Party (5.5% / - 1.5 points). Stand Up France (5%, =), Generations (3.5%, +1), and, in the same row, UDI (2%, =), PCF (2%, +0.5) and UPR of François Asselineau (2%, +1).

A list "yellow vests" always hypothetical. The Patriotes and Resistons lists! of Jean Lassalle are credited with 1.5% of the voting intentions, Lutte ouvrière de 1%. If the poll took place Sunday, a list of "yellow vests", always hypothetical, would collect 3% (=). To obtain elected representatives, a list must receive at least 5% of the votes.

* Survey conducted online on April 5 and 6 with 1,051 people registered on the electoral lists, according to the quota method (margin of error of 1.4 to 3.1 points). Voting intentions do not constitute a forecast of results. They give an indication of the balance of forces and dynamics on the day of the survey.