Benoît Hamon is seeking to broaden the base of his Generations movement by calling on Monday 29 October citizen candidatures for the European elections.

The Generations movement founded by Benoît Hamon on Monday (October 29th) launched a call for citizen candidacies for a list in the European elections "outside the old partisan apparatus" , an initiative compatible with the creation of "Place public" by Raphaël Glucksmann, according to a authors of the appeal.

"Generations wants to put itself at the service of a list that gathers well beyond the old partisans devices , " says the movement on its website.

This call to the citizens "to build the humanist and ecological list that will change Europe" concretizes the wish expressed several times these last weeks by Mr. Hamon of a list to the Europeans largely based on actors of the civil society.

Benoît Hamon MEP Guillaume Balas hailed, with AFP, the intention of the essayist Raphaël Glucksmann to launch, next week, the movement "Place public" with the economist Thomas Porcher and the activist ecologist Claire Nouvian. "These are people we want to talk to, what they say is pretty much the same as what we say, and it would be totally irresponsible to get lost . "

Expand the Generations Base

For his part, Raphael Glucksmann explained to AFP that he intended to dialogue all of the left with his movement.

For Guillaume Balas, "the political apparatuses, even those who say they are the most open, are creating closed leagues" .

"Instead of staying on the important potential of the members of Generations, it is a question of looking for people who recognized themselves in a certain number of values, but who do not want to join a political movement as such" , he added.

"In the face of the nationalists who everywhere are raising tension and hatred, in the face of the liberals who break the European dream with austerity and the renunciation of the values ​​of progress and humanity, the left and the ecologists must raise their heads and create positive passions , " says Générations in his text.