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Raphael Glucksmann, in October 2016 in Paris. JOEL SAGET / AFP

Will the Socialists finally take the lead in the European elections on May 26? The philosopher Raphael Glucksmann could wear their colors and that of Public Place, the citizen movement he founded in late 2018. The principle of this alliance should be endorsed Saturday, March 16 by the National Council of the PS. Other small formations of left are also of the part.

Towards a common list supported by the Socialist Party, Public Place, but also the Union of Democrats and Ecologists or New Donne. All the same, far from the great gathering of the left that called for their wishes Raphael Glucksmann and the first secretary of the PS, Olivier Faure.

" I nominate myself for the top of the list, " said the 39-year-old essayist, who founded Public Place in November with a score of other personalities. " I am confident that the Socialist Party will join us ," he adds, adding that he will not join the party of the rose.

After months of discussions, it is therefore on arrival a minimum union. Raphael Glucksmann may have repeated that there was no excuse, no valid reason for not meeting because of the proximity of the ideas defended by one and the other, the intellectual failed to to convince Europe ecology-The Greens, the communists or the former socialist Benoît Hamon.

But the doors remain open, that's what Olivier Faure will say Saturday at the National Council of the Socialist Party. On the list, half of the seats will be reserved for socialists inset, and the other half will go to their political allies, civil society and possible last-minute support.

Raphael Glucksmann says he is " convinced " that other parties could join the dynamic he calls for. He obviously thinks of Génération.s , the movement of Benoît Hamon. But the latter has brushed off this prospect this Friday morning on RTL. " A vote in favor of a socialist list is a lost voice for the left, " he said.

"Raphael Glucksmann joins the Socialist Party Today, a vote in favor of a socialist list is a lost vote for the Left," believes @benoithamon in #RTLMatin pic.twitter.com/2asC8Sf7nV

Elizabeth Martichoux (@EliMartichoux) March 15, 2019

Some socialists ask for a socialist poster

The first secretary of the PS assumes. "To accept the division of the left and the ecologists is to accept the exclusive confrontation between liberals and nationalists. With Public Place and all those who will join this process opens a path, that of "common fights" ", he wrote on Twitter .

Not enough to appease those in his party, absolutely wanted a top of the list from their ranks. " Raphael Glucksmann has no added value," strangles a senator. It represents only a few thousand people inside the Paris ring road. We must stop apologizing for being socialist. "

Still on Twitter , Senator Rachid Temal, backed by Olivier Faure at the Poitiers Congress, when he took over the leadership of François Mitterrand's party, quietly asks for a " socialist " list open to the left and civil society "But led by" a socialist head of the list "...

The mayor of Lille, the former first secretary Martine Aubry, however, supports the process. She calls " all those on the left who are fighting for a social, ecological and democratic Europe " to " gather " behind him and to go beyond " egos and devices ".

As for Olivier Faure, he believes for his part that this is the only way to broaden the electoral base of the party, and hope to once again become the first leftist force. The first secretary of the PS is confident: according to him, the National Council of the movement will follow Saturday by voting for this alliance. He is sure of it.

The companion of Mr. Glucksmann withdraws from France Inter

In order to avoid " any suspicion of conflict of interest ", after the candidacy announcement of her companion Raphaël Glucksman, the journalist Léa Salamé retired from the France Inter branch at the end of March. It's the radio that announced it. Léa Salamé is a political interviewer at the morning of Inter, the largest in France in terms of audience. She will resume her duties just after the European elections, " Monday, May 27 ". Ms. Salamé is also in charge of "The Political Emission" of France 2.