British Prime Minister Theresa May found herself confined to her car in Germany on Tuesday when she met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel over Britain's withdrawal from the European Union. Officials struggled to open the door, where Merkel waited patiently on the red carpet. However, May showed skin and courage and smiled when she finally got out of her car to greet Merkel before she disappeared for lunch.

This critical moment summed up Mae's position, while she was still rocking on the verge of catastrophe, and a vote of no-confidence was waiting in her country, miraculously escaped.

Last month her convoy was also injured in a traffic accident in Belgium, injuring two policemen accompanying the convoy. Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel was also in the procession. The incident took place on the Belgian highway, while May and Michelle left the scene after attending a memorial event at the Saint-Symphorian cemetery in Mouans.

Two cars collided with police motorcycles. The bikes were close to Michelle's car, but Mai's car was on the front and continued unharmed.

May embarked on a frantic tour of Europe after having to postpone a vote on Britain's exit package from the European Union to avoid a humiliating defeat and hoping for more concessions on the Irish border that could help curb the rebel MPs.

President Barack Obama's car was disrupted when he was leaving his embassy in Dublin in May 2011, and his Cadillac did not even reach the main road near the consulate. He was forced to abandon them after he found himself in front of crowds of people waving to him and taking pictures of him.

Last September, Moldovan President Igor Dudun was injured in a traffic accident northwest of the capital Chisinau when his truck overtook in rainy weather near the town of Stracini and crashed into the presidential procession. The president's car overturned, officials said. President Dudun was taken to hospital but suffered only scratches and bruises.

In the same month, Georgian Prime Minister Gennady Gagoliya died in a car accident during the return of his motorcade from the airport after a visit to Syria. Deputy Interior Minister Kazbek Keshakov said the car, which was carrying Gagolia and was hit by a car, suddenly entered the road. Kimchakov said the driver was Abkhazia, a young man, and the incident was being investigated. Gagolia went on a visit to Syria to meet members of the Abkhaz diaspora.

Last September, Moldovan President Igor Dudun was injured in a traffic accident northwest of the capital Chisinau when his truck overtook a rainy weather near the town of Stracini and crashed into the presidential procession.