Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received a number of stars from his country's representation, production and cinema on Tuesday, exchanged views with them on the status of the seventh art at the local level and signed a law regulating the film sector.

The event included 26 stars of acting and production in Turkey, led by renowned artists, including Octar Kaynarja, champion of "Bandits Do not Rule the World", Burak Ozgvit, producer and screenwriter Mohamed Bouzdag, architect of the success of the " .

The famous actress Damat Akbag, the famous comedians Ata Demirar and Shahan Gogbhar, Yilmaz Erdogan, and the famous artist Bulent Inal, who was known to Arabs as Yahya in "Lost Years", as well as other artists and producers.

The meeting, which was attended by Minister of Culture and Tourism Mohammad Nuri Arsuy in a friendly atmosphere in which the stars expressed their happiness at the speed of completing the required amendments to the laws governing the film, after moving to the new presidential system.

The Turkish media quoted Erdogan as saying during the meeting: "You in the world of cinema are doing a beautiful collective work, and we have started a law for you, and you are completing the stage after its release. Do not let Turkish cinema in one style.

Erdogan said that the film sector should move to a stronger stage, and film many reflect the Turkish history and culture. He also stressed the need for the Turkish culture and art sector to leap forward, expressing his readiness with his government to do what is required in order to achieve this goal.

For his part, said actor and director Yilmaz Erdogan that the law governing the work of cinematography and upgrading it passed quickly from parliament and was signed, in a precedent did not get so quickly before.