
A large cruise ship in Norway with over 1,300 passengers and crew on board crashed in bad weather and drifted off the sea. Though the ship was severely shaken, 17 passengers were injured, but luckily it came safely into the neighboring port without further casualties.

In Paris, a correspondent from the Emeritus.


Suddenly the boat leans to one side and the chairs and tables are washed away.

The plank of the ceiling falls over the head of the passenger, the flowerpot loses its center and moves around.

Surprised passengers wear lifejackets and are nervous and wait for rescue.

Local time The cruise vessel Viking Sky, which sailed on the Norwegian coast with 13,300 passengers and crew on Saturday, encountered bad weather and drifted into an engine failure.

Five helicopters arrived and rescue operations were completed, but the winds slowed to 24 m / s and 8 m / s.

[Passenger: If the boat suddenly sinks or turns upside down ... I was amazed and surprised.]

Most of the passengers were injured by the British, American, Canadian and 17 others.

The Vikingsky, with the help of a couple of tugboats as the engine was running again, arrived safely in the nearby Malldehang today (25th) on our day.

The crew will be stranded when the cruise ship's drifting process gets longer and faces a catastrophic disaster.