"You're right," replied Emmanuel Macron at the petition "For a drop in fuel prices at the pump!" launched by Priscillia Ludosky, became a figure of the movement of "yellow vests", and which today has nearly 1.2 million signatures.

"Your message, I heard it". "Dear Madam, dear ones, you have been hit hard by rising fuel prices, and have decided to react by signing this petition, Your message, I have heard it, I answer you directly: you are right," writes the Head of State to the 1,150 signatories on the Change.org website, which allows the "decision makers" involved to respond.

"The changes we are making are far from being perceptible enough". "The action against global warming is a necessary fight, but it must not oppose the problems of the end of the world to the problems of end of the month", repeats the head of the State, as he had said on December 10 . It also recognizes "the gap that has gradually widened between the people and its leaders" that it has "not yet managed to fill." "And after 18 months of action, the changes we are making are far from being sufficiently perceptible," he adds.

A form to "continue the dialogue". "The government has announced the cancellation of the increase in the fuel tax and no increase in gas and electricity tariffs would occur during the winter," he said. It also recaps the emergency social measures announced last week. "By calling me by this petition you have made a citizen act.This dialogue, if you agree, I wish to continue.To exchange more regularly on topics that affect you, leave me your e-mail address here: https://www.elysee.fr/poursuivre-le-dialogue ", concludes the Head of State who explains that he wants to" find his solutions to make, together and in dialogue, this anger a chance ".

Second most signed petition. This very substantiated petition, which suggests several ways to fight against pollution without raising fuel taxes, is for now the second most signed petition on Change.org France, behind the one entitled "Labor law, no thanks" ( 1.3 million) against the law Work of François Hollande.