The Emir of the State of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, hailed the peaceful nature of popular movements calling for dignity, justice and freedom. He said that young people "proved that they are civilized and civilized in their demands and moves when they were given the opportunity for peaceful activity in some Arab countries."

"These tests prove that regimes that have been denied freedom of expression and opportunities for peaceful activity have a primary responsibility for the deterioration of the situation," he said at the opening of the 140th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).

"People generally prefer gradual reform to risk major revolutionary shocks, but peaceful change depends on the existence of a ruling elites who understand people's demands, do not confront them with conspiracy theories and oppression by force, and lead the process of reform and change," Sheikh Tamim said.

The Emir of Qatar stressed that the spread of education and its high level contributes to the development of a rational view of these matters.

"In our time, education has become a social right that has become an integral part of human rights and has been included in the fourth objective of sustainable development goals for 2030," he said.

"Investing in quality education is one of the most important elements of building the economy, promoting societies, achieving growth and prosperity, ignorance is one of the most important obstacles to growth and the renaissance of peoples, besides it fuels intolerance and racism and facilitates the dissemination of prejudices against the other," he said.

The causes of extremism and its background
On the issue of combating terrorism, Sheikh Tamim stressed the need to combat terrorism in the world along with combating the causes of extremism and addressing its causes.

Experience shows that terrorism "is not limited to a civilization without another, nor to the followers of a religion without another, and that every circulation of this kind is racist no more and no less."

"The war on terrorism should not mean fighting an armed extremism of only one color, while we see that there are extremist terrorist forces and movements that are not part of the agendas of this war in which we all participate."

In this context, the emir of Qatar stressed that human rights issues should be adhered to and that "their respect should not be restricted to one system of government."

"All religions reject the practice of torture, arbitrary detention and human dignity, and these values ​​have become enshrined in international covenants. A regime can not evade them on the pretext of disagreement."

With respect to international law that governs relations between states, the emir of Qatar said that he is increasingly under threat of "turning to the supremacy of power over the rule of law and turning law and international legitimacy into the weapon of the weak."

He added that the rule of law does not help much "in front of the powerful veto in the Security Council, or grant the strong international cover for the aggressors and human rights violators, and those who include the territory of others by force."

The Prince made an example of this by recognizing America's practical annexation of Jerusalem and officially annexing the Golan Heights to Israel.