The United Arab Emirates Red Crescent Society distributed emergency aid to the displaced from the Yemeni provinces under the control of the Iranian Houthi militia to the Radom district in Shabwa province.

This assistance comes in response to the conditions that these people are going through to the Directorate and in the framework of their efforts to alleviate their burdens under the guidance of the wise leadership of the State, which stresses the need to stand by the brotherly Yemeni people in this circumstance.

The representative of the Authority in Shabwa Sultan Al Nuaimi stressed the importance of this assistance in providing the daily necessities required by the nature of exceptional circumstances experienced by the displaced to the Directorate, pointing out the efforts of the Authority in all its efforts to alleviate their suffering and provide the basic food items needed for all affected by the situation in Yemen.

He added that this aid comes as a complement to other humanitarian initiatives offered by the Commission, in recognition of the religious, moral and humanitarian duty of the UAE to stand by the brother and friend.

For their part, the beneficiaries of the aid expressed their thanks and gratitude to the UAE for their continuous support, valuing the efforts of the humanitarian arm of the UAE Red Crescent to deliver aid, which contribute to alleviating their suffering due to the difficult conditions they are living.