By RFIPosted 18-01-2019Modified on 18-01-2019 at 15:03

This is an unprecedented communiqué that the African Union Heads of State have published on the situation in the DRC. AU President Paul Kagame, the presidents of the main subregional organizations met this Thursday in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. They called for the suspension of the final declaration of the results, as they note in their communiqué that there remain "serious doubts about the conformity of the provisional results" given by the Independent National Electoral Commission. An unequivocal tone that greatly surprised.

Several factors led to this rebound. There was already evidence of the African Union President's willingness to regain control as he had asked the Southern African Development Community (SADC) to move its meeting from Windhoek to Addis Ababa. Paul Kagame wanted to be able to organize a second meeting extended to other subregional organizations. One way like another to override the divisions of the countries of southern Africa.

At the SADC meeting, the heads of state of South Africa, Namibia, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Angola and Zambia attended the meeting. We already knew that Angola and Zambia were undoubtedly the most virulent against the Congo. Zambia in particular called for the recount of the presidential vote, but South Africa, Tanzania, among others, were fiercely opposed to any injunction to the Congolese government and the Constitutional Court. The result is a first release this Thursday just as new. SADC is extremely virulent towards the international community, which it calls to respect the sovereignty of the DRC and the " national political and legal processes ".

The influence of Paul Kagame

The atmosphere changed at the second meeting, convened by Paul Kagame. The Congolese ministerial delegation is asked to leave the room to allow the heads of state to meet behind closed doors. Representatives of the AU Commission, with the exception of Chadian Moussa Faki, are also left out. The presidents of South Africa, Zambia and Angola are joined by Denis Sassou-Nguesso of Congo-Brazzaville, Guinean Alpha Condé, Chadian Idriss Deby, Ugandan Yoweri Museveni and Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia. In the maneuver, there is a determined axis to leave the room with a strong statement: Paul Kagame, Joao Lourenço and Denis Sassou-Nguesso, worried in particular to see the lock in the results of the legislative and provincial elections by the coalition in power, but also " real results " presented by the Cenco or unveiled in the media that foreshadowed " very strong antagonisms " in the country. The discussions will last five hours before reaching this release.

Yet the African Union Commission had drafted a communiqué in the same tone as SADC. And this Friday again, African diplomats say they are very surprised at this release of heads of state. They speak of a " magic trick ", a " difficult decision to implement " or even a " precedent that may weigh on all electoral processes in the future ". Parallel negotiations, directly between heads of state, with trips or phone calls from African emissaries and Western chancelleries, had nevertheless paved the way.

Conclusion: a delegation of heads of state should come this Monday in Kinshasa, including Rwandan Paul Kagame, although some fear a very hostile reaction, including the UDPS of Felix Tshisekedi , the president proclaimed, to this direct intervention of Rwanda. In this delegation, we should also find the South African Cyril Ramaphosa who, it is said, agreed to join his peers, even if he was still reluctant yesterday during meetings. It is notably on him that the various diplomatic pressures have been exercised in recent days.

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