Angela Merkel's center-right party and her social-democratic partner in the governing coalition in Berlin recorded heavy losses on Sunday in key regional elections in Hessen, polls released from the polls.

Two weeks after a regional election already catastrophic for the conservative camp in Bavaria, the party of Angela Merkel reaches only 28% in elections in the land of Hessen according to polls at the end of the polls, ten points lower than 2013. The debate on his future as Chancellor could be revived after this new poor performance of his party in Hesse.

Social Democrats also lose ten points to 20%, according to polls of the public television channels ARD and ZDF. With 12% to 13%, the extreme right enters the regional Parliament, the last in Germany where it was not yet represented.

The Greens continue their breakthrough with 19.5%.

Nach der Prognose von infratest dimap könnte es knapp für eine Fortführung der schwarz-grünen Koalition im Hessischen Landtag Reichen: UDC: 28,0% - SPD: 20,0% - Grüne: 19,5 -% Linke: 6,5% - FDP: 7.5% - AfD 12.0% - Andere: 6.5% # hrWAHL #LtwHessen

- hessenschau (@hessenschau) October 28, 2018

A highly anticipated election

The 4.4 million voters in the Land of Frankfurt, the financial capital of Germany and seat of the European Central Bank (ECB), represent only 7% of the German electorate but rarely a regional election so much interest at the national level.

The threat to the Chancellor is all the more concrete as she will face a vote of the party's activists in early December. And even if it does not have a rival declared, the pressure goes up internally to prepare its succession and put more the bar right face the rise of power of the far right, what Angela Merkel did so far only sparingly.