By RFIPalled on 05-01-2019Modified on 05-01-2019 at 18:54

In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), there will be no proclamation of provisional results of the presidential election before "next week". That's what the electoral commission says. The Ceni promises to take stock Sunday, January 6 on the work of compilation of the results after a meeting of its plenary assembly. The president of the Ceni had said last Thursday, experiencing difficulties in the routing of the folds of ballots and results of PV. This afternoon, this compilation work still had not reached 50%, according to internal sources at the electoral commission.

" It goes very fast but you have to be patient, " says a member of the CENI office.

The results should be published Sunday, January 6, the official date given by the electoral commission after the postponement of the polls, but several internal sources confirm that we are still far from the goal.

Indeed, the compilation had not yet reached 50% this Saturday afternoon, because of logistical difficulties in the recovery of the folds of newsletters and minutes of results.

" A plenary meeting of the Ceni is scheduled for this Sunday, " said one of its members. At the end of this meeting, the electoral commission should make public the inventory of the compilation. Nevertheless, all the provinces are experiencing delays and this is surprising national observers including in Kinshasa, the capital, where there are no bad roads, nor a lack of means that could justify this new delay.

This compilation of the results takes place in a climate of tension between the agents of the CENI, the witnesses of the political parties and the national observers, in particular those of the Cenco. In several local results-compilation centers, cases of fraud and obstruction continue to be reported. Cases on which the Ceni says to investigate.

    On the same subject

    DRC: compilation continues, opposition denounces fraud

    DRC: the FCC and the Ceni raise the tone with the Cenco

    Elections in the DRC: the pressure is accentuated on the Ceni

    Elections in the DRC: cases of fraud reported especially in Ituri

    Elections in the DRC: why this UN silence around dysfunctions?
