Eggs are among the foods that should be classified as the most beneficial food for the body. Several studies have shown significant benefits for eggs on the body, as it contains various nutrients.

A recent study showed that eggs are useful for blood vessels and the heart.

The consumption of chicken eggs and derived products is beneficial for brain vessels, according to a US medical study.

Consumption of one egg per day is sufficient to reduce the risk of cerebrovascular disease in the elderly by up to 12%.

The researchers confirmed that eggs contain antioxidants that reduce the level of oxygen pressure in cells and eliminate inflammation.

Eggs are a good source of proteins, which reduce blood pressure.

The scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing the results of seven studies on the effects of different nutrients, including eggs, on cardiovascular health.

According to scientists, the consumption of eggs was not only associated with reduced risk of cerebrovascular disease, but also reduced the risk of coronary artery disease by as much as 10%, according to an article in the French magazine "Santi Plus" by Sarah M. Ann.

According to another research paper published in the United States Heart Journal in May, a team of researchers monitored dietary habits for about 416,000 elderly people without diabetes or heart disease.

The researchers continued to monitor the health status of these people for nine years, and noted that participants in this study of those who eat eggs regularly have a lower rate of death stroke and heart problems, compared to those who do not eat.

The results of the study showed that those who ate eggs at the rate of one egg per day, the risk of a stroke less 28%, and the death of heart problems by 18% lower.

The researchers explained that the interpretation of these differences is the effect of eggs, which contains beneficial nutrients to the heart, such as folic acid and omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce the levels of triglycerides in the blood, known to cause heart disease.

What cholesterol is present in eggs?
Egg yolk contains lots of cholesterol, but levels in our bodies are not affected by the regular consumption of eggs. According to the writer.

The author pointed out that eggs are nutritious foods, because it contains a large amount of protein, and vitamin A and D and E and B 5, and B 9, and 12, along with the elements of lutein and zeaxanthin, which strengthen the power of sight.

Eggs are rich in choline, which is known to be beneficial to brain development.

Eggs help produce good cholesterol
A study in Iran in 2015 showed that eggs help the liver prevent the production of unhealthy cholesterol, which causes blood vessel blockage and many diseases, and also contributes to the production of beneficial cholesterol that improves the condition of blood vessels and heart.

In addition, eating an egg every day improves the ability to look thanks to lutein, boosts memory thanks to vitamin B, as well as eggs contain many nutrients and micronutrients needed by pregnant women and the fetus.

On the other hand, you should be careful of excessive consumption of eggs, a rule that really applies to all types of food, and puts additional pressure on the kidneys because it contains a large amount of proteins.

It is also recommended to avoid consumption of uncooked eggs, and eat after cooking well.