Shooting rooms have already been opened in Paris and Strasbourg.

After Paris and Strasbourg, Marseille is planning to open soon a safer drug consumption room (SCMR), it was reported Wednesday with the deputy mayor of the Marseille city in charge of Health.

"The specifications (SCMR Marseille) should be sent in late April or early May to the Mildeca (Interministerial Mission against drugs and addictive behavior) and I hope that the project is well underway in September," explained Patrick Padovani.

"This tool has proven itself". He was speaking on the sidelines of a symposium on the balance sheet and perspectives in Europe of these rooms sometimes called "shooting rooms", organized in the European Parliament in Strasbourg. "This risk-reduction tool has proven itself around the world," Padovani said, adding that Mayor Jean-Claude Gaudin (LR) was supporting the opening of a SCMR on the condition that it settle in a hospital setting.

The Health Act passed in December 2015 authorized the experimentation of SCMR for a period of six years, starting from the opening of the first French Chamber. Two rooms opened in autumn 2016, first in Paris, in the Gare du Nord district, then in Strasbourg.

"We must continue the development of the SCMR", a "still young and fragile device", emphasized at the symposium Strasbourg Dr. Nicolas Prisse, president of the Mildeca.

More than a hundred rooms in the world. The first SCMR opened in 1986 in Switzerland. Today there are more than 100 such rooms around the world that allow drug users to consume their drugs in a safe and clean environment with sterile equipment in the presence of medical staff.