By RFIPalled on 12-02-2019Modified on 12-02-2019 at 17:02

In the DRC, several state-owned companies are experiencing social tensions. Employees claim several months of salary arrears and sometimes the dismissal of their leaders. This is the case of Sonas, the National Insurance Company.

At the end of January, the trade union organization RAS (Renewal of Union Action) had alerted the President of the Republic, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, on the situation of agents, executives and retirees of the Sonas on what she describes as "genocide social ". Sonas exercised the monopoly of the insurance market in the DRC for about 47 years. It became a trading company as a result of the government's decision to liberalize the insurance sector.

This union claims for some agents of this company more than fifty months of unpaid wages. He also mentions cases of twenty months of unpaid gratuities. The same source reports that this situation does not concern only the general direction of the company in Kinshasa, but also some of its agencies inside the country. Some of the documents consulted confirm these allegations. The RAS union thus called on the Head of State to " take precautionary measures " at Sonas, in particular to urgently appoint a crisis committee or a new management committee, the rehabilitation of all the union representatives, managers and agents. unlawfully dismissed by that union.

For its part, the management of the Sonas does not recognize the activities of this trade union organization and kicks in touch all the claims accusing including the former executive board of the company which would have, according to her, recruited " more than 450 new units without take into account the financial capacity of the company ". Within society, there are two trends emerging, including one that supports the claims of the RAS union.

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