By RFIPalled on 28-01-2019Modified on 28-01-2019 at 03:09

In a statement released Sunday, the bishops of Kananga, Kasai, stood out from the position of the Episcopal Conference (Cenco). They welcomed the election of Felix Tshisekedi to the Congolese presidency.

" Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord ." The invitation is that of the bishops of the episcopal province of Kananga. Meeting in extraordinary session Sunday, they welcomed in a statement the " new times that are opening in the history of [the DRC] following the elections of December 30, 2018 " and thanked God for " the first alternation at the top of the State through the ballot box ". A " unique opportunity ", they insist.

According to the declaration of the bishops of the Kasai area, the fief of the new president, the elevation to the supreme office of Felix Tshisekedi " is also the culmination of the long political struggle of his father Mr. Etienne Tshisekedi wa Mulumba, one of the great Congolese politicians whose patriotism will mark the history of our country, "said the same statement.

#RDC #Elections: the archbishop of Kananga and the bishops of Kasai central and Kasai provinces, UDPS fiefs, stand out from the position of the episcopal conference and recognize the election of president @ fatshi13 as "a first peaceful alternation and democratic »

Sonia Rolley (@soniarolley) January 27, 2019

Also, for the princes of the Church, the advent of Felix Tshisekedi is " a step in achieving the dream of democracy and social progress of all the Congolese people ."

"Congo needs virtuous politicians"

" We all want a new Congo, a nation in which to be born, live and die will be a blessing, " say the signatories who invite politicians to a " leadership " determining.

According to these bishops, " to change [a] long history of suffering, the Congo needs virtuous politicians ". " The new Congo will be only the work of the citizens who walk in the light of the Lord, " adds the declaration of the bishops of the Kasaï space who wish "to see the dream of a true national reconciliation come true with respect victims and equity ". No doubt alludes to the different conflicts that are recorded here and there in the country.

And unlike the Congolese National Bishops' Conference (Cenco), which questioned the results of the elections proclaimed by the CENI, the episcopal assembly of Kananga had nothing to complain about the election of Felix Tshisekedi.

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